31 July 2018
Federated Farmers of New Zealand
Further submission to the
Taranaki Regional Council on the
Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki
Federated Farmers’ further submission to the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki
To: Taranaki Regional Council
Name of submitter: Federated Farmers of New Zealand
Contact person: Lisa Harper
Regional Policy
Taranaki Regional Council
Resource Management Act 1991
Further Submissions for the
Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki
Further submissions on the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki was publicly notified for
submissions on 21 July 2018 with a deadline for further submissions on 8 August 2018. A
total of 25 further submissions were received by the
Doc# 469794-v6
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
11 July 2008
Hearing Committee Report and Decision on
applications by Normanby Power Limited for
three resource consents to recommission the
Normanby hydro scheme
Report and decision
of a Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council which heard,
commencing at 9.00 am on 9 June 2008
at the Taranaki Regional Council offices, Stratford,
three resource consent
Subscribe to our gardens newsletter, In Season. We invite you to embark on a seasonal journey through our three cherished treasures Pukeiti, Tūpare, and Hollard Gardens. With four issues per year, each edition of In Season will bring you the latest update
This regional strategy focuses on efficient resource use; recovery, re-use and recycling; and the ultimate safe disposal of any waste material. Waste Management and Minimisation Strategy for Taranaki (2016) This Strategy was adopted by the Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee in August 2016 Waste Management & Minimisation Strategy for Taranaki 2016 (1.1 MB pdf) Earlier strategy Waste Management & Minimisation Strategy for Taranaki 2016 (1.1 MB pdf) Waste Management and Minimisation
is doing on the maunga, together allowing safe passage for not only toutouwai, but other native birds such as the whio.” A toutouwai at Lake Mangamahoe. Photo/Tony Green He says another key factor is riparian planting. Over the last 25 years the Taranaki Regional Council has been supporting landowners to plant native trees along the banks of waterways. “These provide pathways for the movement of birds – they’re essentially safe corridors down our waterways. “This kind of result is exactly what
Boaties are being reminded of the importance of carrying lifejackets for everyone enjoying a trip out to sea to keep all water users safe and sound this summer. Port Taranaki Harbour Master Tony Parr says it’s always great to see recreational boats exploring the fantastic Taranaki coastline but it’s vital everyone on board and particularly the skipper makes sure they are prepared before they set off. “The region has a special coastline which is enjoyed by so many people each summer and the last
Document: 3223052
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Operations and Regulatory Committee
meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council
chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on 10 October 2023 at 9.00am
b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on
Tuesday 31 October 2023.
Matters arising
Revital Group would like to continue its current operations, and also have the
ability to compost food waste at its Uruti site, therefore they have applied for a new air discharge
Following submission of the Application, the Taranaki Regional Council requested under Section 92 of
the Resource Management Act, that an odour assessment be prepared to support the application.
AECOM New Zealand Limited (AECOM) has been engaged to assess the odour discharges from the
existing operations
Ordinary Meeting
Tuesday 27 June 2017
Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford
Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council to be held in the
Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 27 June
2017 commencing at 10.30am.
Councillors D L Lean (Deputy Chairman)
M J Cloke
M G Davey
C L Littlewood
M J McDonald
D H McIntyre
B K Raine
C S Williamson