Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council'' returned 4725 results.

Candidate profile Elvisa Van Der Leden

page Taranaki Regional Council New Plymouth Constituency Electing 5 Regional Councillors Elvisa VAN DER LEDEN My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth Constituency area. I am a young business owner with a professional background in community, education and environmental science. As a facilitator of various projects such as the popular Finding Little Blue penguin monitoring project and the Seal Sitters volunteer programme, I work with local non-profit organizations

Report 2010-2012

page Freshwater Periphyton Monitoring Programme (Periphyton monitoring in relation to amenity values) State of Environment Monitoring Report 2010-2012 Technical Report 2015-105 ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Taranaki Regional Council Document: 1383427 (Word) Private Bag 713 Document: 1556564 (Pdf) STRATFORD March 2016 page page Executive summary Section 35 of the


page 1442647 MB Final Draft. 6 Acknowledgements The Council gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the many businesses, organisations, community groups, iwi, trusts and other agencies that have provided valuable information in compiling the State of the Environment Report 2015. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the Stratford District Council, the South Taranaki District Council, the New Plymouth District Council and staff at the Taranaki Regional Council.

Cathie Native Bush; Katikara; Larcom's Homestead; Lark's Rest; Makara Farms; Monk Rd; PARGus & CarLoom; Ryan Forest; Te Ngahere o Manu; Tersana; Ram Paddock (Larcom's); Waiongana Flats; Waiongana Flats B; Wellington Bush; Wells Cross Rd

Native Ecosystem State of Environment Site Regional Ecosystem Loss: Less reduced >50% left Protection Status: QEII Covenant Catchment: Waiwhakaiho (392) General Description Cathie Native Bush KNE is a forest remnant situated on private land in the New Plymouth District, nine kilometers south of New Plymouth. The site borders the Mangorei stream and is located in the Egmont Ecological District.

Blackstock Roadsweeping - Remediation NZ submission

(ons6nl be r€lils6{, (A/lian a.r'j&*si sl€r, ;r' f,ercssS.yJ 7. Request for independent commissioner(s) U Pursuant t{r secl{o{l 100A of the Resource lv'lanagement A,ct 1991, I rcqucst that the Taranaki Regional Council delegates its functions, powors, and dulies tequired to hear qnd decide the application to ono or more hearing comffissioners who are not Taranaki Rcgional Councillors. fPlease tick if you do wish to make a raquest othsrwise leave blankl Nofer SUch s ,?que$t /rt.l/ lls

Marfell Park environmental investigation

The residues were found amongst decomposed municipal waste. The Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) sampled the residues and found high concentrations of chemicals formerly used for the manufacture of phenoxy herbicides. The residues also had elevated concentrations of the dioxin 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The discovery of the chemical residues raised concerns within the community that there could be general dioxin and other contamination within the landfill

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust newsletter May 2020

addition to his management duties as head gardener he will be responsible for maintenance and development of Zone 1: the lawn, The Lodge, café borders and the Misty Knoll. He is a young man who was born and raised in South Hampshire in a gardening orientated family. His father spent his lifetime working for the South Hampshire Council as a gardener in the city parks. His sister is a florist. Scott initially had no inclination to follow in his father’s footsteps. He completed a degree in …

Candidate profile Rusty Kane

page Taranaki Regional Council New Plymouth Constituency Electing 5 Regional Councillors Rusty KANE People's Choice My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth Constituency area. I am also standing for Taranaki District Health Board. Rusty Kane. Soil Consultant BSC. Candidate for Taranaki Regional Council. If elected I will work closely with region's farmers, iwi and industry for the region's social, economic, and environmental well-being. I will work hard to ensure

8. Forestry

page CONCEPT SHEET 8 Forestry Commercial-scale log harvesting (covering 5ha or more) is the focus of a number of measures in the Draft Freshwater and Land Plan. They are designed to minimise the risks of soil erosion and impacts on freshwater quality. The Council proposes rules that are closely aligned with industry best-practice, while keeping requirements as simple and streamlined as possible. When a resource consent would

Info Sheet: AEE requirements for DWI applications

page AEE requirements for DWI applications (14/2/13) (This has been pasted from section 6.1.2 the DRAFT of Guide to regulating oil and gas exploration activities under the Resource Management Act (Taranaki Regional Council 2012). A detailed AEE is required for any application for consent to discharge waste fluids by DWI. The information presented in the AEE must demonstrate that the proposed activity will not result in any adverse environmental effect that is deemed to be more