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page BUS PARKING PLAN - Highlands Intermediate 18/4/17 3:15pm Oakura 44 3:20pm Bell Block 32 3:39pm Orbiter 54 3:26pm 3093 3:17pm Waitara 23 3:36pm Frankley/Carrington 3089 3:38pm Orbiter 53 3:08pm Orbiter 52 3:35pm Tranzit bus for Inglewood, Stratford and Eltham picks up from outside the Headstone Warehouse, corner of Coronation Ave & Oriental St 3:38pm Orbiter 51 Highlands Intermediate C o ro n a ti o n A v e n u e C o ro

Schedule IX: Documents incorporated by reference

page 220 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 9 Docum ent s i nc orpo ra t ed by re fe rence Schedule 9 – Documents incorporated by reference The documents referenced throughout the Plan are listed below, along with the website addresses that provide access to the documents. Discharges from seismic surveying (Rule 11) 2013 Code of Conduct for Minimising Acoustic Disturbance to Marine Mammals from Seismic Survey Operations

Route4 notice Dec2019

page Route 4 bus stop out of service Salvation Army store, Devon St West Due to roadworks on Morley St, this stop will be unavailable for Route 4 Westown/Hurdon for approximately three weeks from Monday 2 December. Outbound passengers should use Bus Centre Bay D on Ariki St. The Morley St road works are expected continue for about three weeks. While they take place, buses will be detouring via Dawson St and Fulford St. We apologise for any

Proposed Coastal Plan maps for hearing

page Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki – maps for hearing These maps have been prepared specifically for the July 2019 hearing and incorporate the recommended changes. The maps cover the entire Taranaki coastline from north to south. The exact location of each map can be seen in the index, which also has a legend explaining the colours, shadings and symbols used on the maps. Maps index (PDF, 1.9 MB) Maps 1-11 (PDF, 10 MB) Maps 12-22 (PDF, 8.3 MB)

Route 54 Orbiter New Plymouth

page FDMC SPOTSWOOD HIGHLANDS DEVON NPBHS NPGHS SHGC 54 54 7.50AM 3.20PM WELBOURN WOODLEIGH VOGELTOWN 7.58AM 8.01AM 8.10AM 8.14AM 8.25AM 8.28AM 8.33AM R54 Afternoon service finishes corner of Seaview Road and Devon St West 4.04PM3.25PM 3.30PM 3.35PM 3.39PM 3.49PM 3.54PM OMATA RD OMATA RD P O P LA R G R *Save money on school bus fares with a Smart Card multi-trip (40 trip) pass.


Link Map - 35 d) Open Coast – the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas e) Port Map Link Map - 13 annotation annotation

Schedule1 - Coastal management areas

Map - 35 4) Open Coast – the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas 5) Port Map Link Map - 13 annotation annotation

Schedule 1 - Coastal management areas

Map - 35 4) Open Coast – the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas 5) Port Map Link Map - 13 annotation annotation

Appendix 9: Defined urban catchments

page A P P E N D IC E S A P P E N D IX I X Appendix IX Maps of defined urban catchments page A P P E N D IC E S A P P E N D IX I X page 2 8 5 APPENDICES APPENDIX IX Figure 1: Eltham Defined urban catchment. page

Maps 12 to 22

D59 D60D61 D63 D62 D64 Bayly Road tauranga waka Bayly Road petroglyph Back of Stent Farmhouse Stent Stent Road Brazils Bayly Road North BJ's Left D63 D62 D64 Map 18 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km D59 D61 D60 D58 D57 page D137 D65 D66 D71 D69 D72 D70 D68 D73 D135 D136 D67 Fin Whaka Crushers Bayly Road Breaks D72 D73 D69 D137 Map 19 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km D71 D70 D136 D65 D66 page