or items are listed by Heritage New Zealand, which targets heritage at
a national level and has only limited funds to purchase heritage buildings or structures. Therefore, identifying
and protecting locally significant heritage is the domain of local councils. The three district councils in the
region identify heritage buildings, structures and items within their area and protect them using controls
and regulations in their district plans.
In total, 1,140 heritage buildings,
Ordinary Meeting
Tuesday 18 September 2018
Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford
Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council to be held in the
Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 18
September 2018 commencing at 10.30am.
Councillors D N MacLeod (Chairman)
M J Cloke
M G Davey
M P Joyce
D L Lean (Deputy Chairman)
C L Littlewood
M J McDonald
To: Electoral Officer, Taranaki Regional Council
PO Box 5135, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
A. For the TWO NOMINATORS to complete (Nominators must be electors on the electoral roll for the Stratford General Constituency)
We, the undersigned electors of Stratford General Constituency nominate (enter candidate details):
with their consent, as a candidate for Member of the Stratford General Constituency for the
It’s been five months since a possum was detected across almost 1000 hectares of Kaitake farmland. That’s an exciting sign that work to remove predators is having an impact, says Towards Predator-Free Taranaki programme lead Sam Haultain. Towards Predator-Free Taranaki, in conjunction with Taranaki Mounga, launched the ambitious Restore Kaitake project in 2018. Its goal is the complete eradication of possums from a 4500 hectare area including 2300 hectares of the Kaitake Range, 2000 hectares of
It’s been five months since a possum was detected across almost 1000 hectares of Kaitake farmland. That’s an exciting sign that work to remove predators is having an impact, says Towards Predator-Free Taranaki programme lead Sam Haultain. Towards Predator-Free Taranaki, in conjunction with Taranaki Mounga, launched the ambitious Restore Kaitake project in 2018. Its goal is the complete eradication of possums from a 4500 hectare area including 2300 hectares of the Kaitake Range, 2000 hectares of
To access this meeting, go to www.trc.govt.nz/AugustHearing Agenda for hearing on representation arrangements (1.6 MB pdf) Representation hearing minutes August 2021 (151 KB pdf) Recording of representation hearing August 2021
Taranaki can be proud of many aspects of its environment however significant challenges lie ahead. Taranaki Regional Council today released Our Place: Taranaki State of Environment 2022. The report compiles data collected by the Council and others to assess the current health of Taranaki’s climate, air, land and water. It also looks at the work the Council is doing in each area, where we are heading as a region and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead when it comes to protecting and
notification of consents, the receipt of submissions,
and the organisation of consent hearings to ensure they are run
in accordance with Taranaki Regional Council procedure and
statutory requirements;
- ensure Taranaki Regional Council information, data and records
are stored with appropriate accessibility and accuracy in
designated systems;
- facilitate and manage the creation of processes ensuring that
statistical information is available to internal and external
Tuesday 23 February 2021, 1pm
Ordinary Meeting
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
23 February 2021 01:00 PM
Agenda Topic Page
Purpose of meeting 3
Notification of Late Items
1. Deputation - Forgotten World Cycling Trail - Richard Woodd 4
2. Rotokare Scenic Reserve Presentation
3. Confirmation of Minutes Ordinary Committee 8
4. Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes 13
5. Policy and