Downs Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Mr S Bowden Stratford District Council
Mr R Leitao New Plymouth District Council
Mr V Lim South Taranaki District Council
Mr R Broad AA Taranaki
Miss R Sweeney Taranaki Regional Council
Ms K Humphrey Taranaki Regional Council zoom
Ms F Ritson Taranaki Regional Council
Mr G Roper New Zealand Police
One member of the media.
Apologies Apologies were received from Mayor P Nixon, South
Ms S Downs Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Ms L Stewart Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Mr S Bowden Stratford District Council
Mr S Knarsten New Plymouth District Council
Ms F Ritson Taranaki Regional Council
Mr A Wongtoo New Zealand Police
Mrs M Jones Taranaki Regional Council
Apologies Apologies were received from R Leitao, E Borrows and L Hawkins.
1. Confirmation of Minutes Regional
Ms C Gazley Taranaki Regional Council
Ms L Hawkins Taranaki Regional Council (left meeting at 11.30)
Ms M Addy New Plymouth District Council
Ms N Wiseman New Plymouth District Council
Mr B Clough Taranaki Regional Council
Zoom Vinuka Nanayakka Waka Kotahi
3 Members of the Public Attended
1. Confirmation of Minutes Regional Transport Committee – 1 March 2023
That the
Taranaki residents are being urged to be cautious around rivers, with potentially toxic cyanobacteria detected earlier in the season than usual. Taranaki Regional Council has found exposed mats of cyanobacteria in four rivers - the Manganui, Waingongoro, Kaupokonui and Waiwhakaiho rivers - raising health concerns for both swimmers and pets. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, is a naturally occurring algae that often grows in rivers on rocks as thick brown or black mats. It has the
Put your contact info here:
Sustainable Communities
through Kai
Recently we offered all our Enviroschools some support to re-
connect with whenua as a way of coming back to school, mov-
ing forward from COVID lockdowns and any disruption that
caused. It was also our way of building on the community con-
nections and connection to our kai that many of us felt through
NPDC offered funding for the North
Subject: Confirmation of Minutes - 21 July 2020
Approved by: A D McLay, Director - Resource Management
M J Nield, Acting Chief Executive
Document: 2572762
That the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Policy and Planning Meeting of the
Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten
Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 21 July 2020 at 10.30am
b) notes the …
of soils to waterways is the most significant
challenge and a key land management objective
for the region.
The Council works with landowners to help them optimise
the use of their productive land, while minimising the effects
of their activities on the environment. We monitor impacts
of land use on the environment and develop plans and
strategies with the goal of achieving sustainable land use.
Land use
Around half of Taranaki land area is used for
Former Chair, Fonterra Shareholders’
Working with people | car ing for Taranaki
Regional industry and sports champions
“Riparian management is core
farming business”
Dairy farmers have to understand
that responsible environmental
management is part of day to day
farm management if they want to
continue to operate a sustainable
and financially viable business …
riparian management is
absolutely essential to securing
the future of dairy
check if they apply. Even if you haven’t needed a resource consent for such work in the past, it’s important you talk to Council staff. This section will be updated over the coming months with guidance, links and FAQs that outline the practical requirements and implications for Taranaki farmers. FAQs: Feedlots and other stockholding areas [PDF, 753 KB](external link) FAQs: Structures in rivers and lakes and reclamation of rivers [PDF, 1.3 MB](external link) FAQs: Application of synthetic nitrogen
to plant the Rosy Comet firmly in its new home within the covered vireya walk. “It’s fantastic to see the younger generation having an interest in gardening and plants,” says Greg Rine, Regional Gardens Manager. “That’s what the gardens are all about, getting people from all ages outdoors and connecting with nature.” That’s something the Edmonds family know first-hand, as Mia and Taylor are keen outdoor enthusiasts and the family spend many Saturdays exploring local parks and gardens. They are