Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council'' returned 4852 results.

High temperatures and low river flows likely caused fish deaths

Record high water temperatures and low river levels likely contributed to the deaths of more than 80 fish in two South Taranaki waterways earlier this year, says Taranaki Regional Council. A report to the Council’s Operations and Regulatory Committee revealed 27 fish died in the Waingongoro River and a further 55 fish were found dead in the Kaūpokonui River in January. An investigation was launched after members of the public alerted Taranaki Fish and Game to the deaths. The affected species

Fantastic freshwater feedback from Taranaki communities

Around 550 people have attended Taranaki Regional Council’s freshwater drop-in sessions at the 16 events held around the region over the past two weeks. The drop-in sessions, which ran from 17 June to 1 July and covered the main urban centres as well as smaller rural locations, were a chance for communities to chat with Council staff about the future of freshwater. The focus now shifts to online community conversations with a Zoom meeting on 3 July and surveys around key freshwater issues

Appendices 2-6: NZ Biodiversity Strategy objectives and actions

page TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY 85 Appendix II: Land theme: NZBS objectives and actions Objective 1.1 Protecting indigenous habitats and ecosystems a) Enhance the existing network of protected areas to secure a full range of remaining indigenous habitats and ecosystems. b) Promote and encourage initiatives to protect, maintain and restore habitats and ecosystems that are important for indigenous biodiversity on land outside of


is not permitted. The Riverside School The Riverside School is a study unit developed by the Taranaki Regional Council outlining the activities available for teachers and classes visiting Tūpare. Read more... The Riverside School is a study unit developed by the Taranaki Regional Council outlining the activities available for teachers and classes visiting Tūpare. The nine activity options include walks, studies focusing on trees and birdlife, and a stream study. Click here for more information

Progressive Implmentation Programme for the NPS-FW

entitled Progressive Implementation Programme for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management – Taranaki Regional Council (PIP) is to set out the Taranaki Regional Council’s (the Council) staged implementation programme of key projects for implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (NPS-FM). This document gives effect to Policy E1 requirements of the NPS-FM and supersedes the Council’s previous implementation programme, which was

Implementation programme for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2018)

entitled Progressive Implementation Programme for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management – Taranaki Regional Council (PIP) is to set out the Taranaki Regional Council’s (the Council) staged implementation programme of key projects for implementing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (NPS-FM). This document gives effect to Policy E1 requirements of the NPS-FM and supersedes the Council’s previous implementation programme, which was

Schedules of charges

Government Act Charging Policy SCHEDULE OF CHARGES PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2002 INSPECTIONS AND INCIDENTS COST RECOVERY Pursuant to section 150 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Taranaki Regional Council gives notice that it has adopted the following schedules of charges for the recovery of the costs of inspection, including but not limited to routine and additional inspections, and inspections following any incidents, discharges, spillages or

Subs 411 526 web

trust with a vision for creating Taranaki . Sport Taranaki has been a local leader in the sport and recreation sector for over 25 years and for the past 10 years has been located in a building to the south-east of the East Stand at Yarrow Stadium. Sport Taranaki serves a population of over 120,000 across three districts, one regional council, one district health board, 94 schools, 35 regional sport and recreation organisations, and over 500 sport and recreation clubs. Sport

July 2024 rainfall

region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 9.7°C, 0.2°C cooler than usual. July 2024 Environmental Data Report June 2024 rainfall maps What you should know: The site maps show data from a selection of the sites we monitor, but not all of them. The distribution maps are based on mathematical modelling and may not accurately represent actual rainfall in some unmonitored areas. This is raw data and may not have been subjected to a quality control process. All efforts are made to ensure the integrity of the

Form B – Land Use (Use of beds of lakes and rivers)

following for each activity:  The regional plan/NES-FW and rule you are applying under  What permitted activity rule and standards are not being complied with and why  What is the activity status of your application Councils preference is the information is provided in the format shown below Consent applied for Regional Plan or NES Regulation Rule/Regulation applying under Activity Status e.g. Controlled Permitted Activity