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Notice of hearing - Airport Farm Trustee Ltd the next working day. page (2) Copies of the Taranaki Regional Council officer report will be available in the same location on the Council’s website by 24 January 2022. Hearing Procedure While the procedure for the hearing is ultimately determined by the chairperson, the Resource Management Act provides that: a) unnecessary formality is to be avoided; b) only members of the hearing panel may question any party or witness c) cross-examination

Air quality

activities that have potential to affect air quality. The Plan also sets the strategic direction for integrated management in Taranaki between the Taranaki Regional Council and the three district councils. Downloads Air Quality (2.5 MB pdf) Analysis of air quality-related incidents and complaints (691 KB pdf) Related links Regional Air Quality Plan Environmental monitoring technical reports Ambient air quality guidelines (Environment Ministry) National Environmental Standards for Air Quality

TRC Bulletin - April 2019

the hearing, the Council will finalise and adopt the new plan. Climate change in the mixThought-provoking suggestions on climate change from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment are largely consistent with approaches taken by the Council, the Policy and Planning Committee was told. The Commissioner, Simon Upton, has warned of dangers and risks in the use of forests as carbon sinks, and also believes animal-generated emissions need to be treated differently to fossil-fuel emissions,

How to enrol

To vote in this year’s local elections, you must be enrolled to vote. To get enrolled, head here. If you voted in previous local or parliamentary elections, you should still be enrolled; but If you have moved recently, you may need to update your details. If you’re not sure if you’re enrolled or your details have changed, check or update your details online, or call 0800 36 76 56. To enrol you must verify your identity and will need one of the following documents: New Zealand driver licence New

Treatment plant report January 2012-December 2013

satisfy. One consent allows for the discharge of effluent into the Tasman Sea and the other deals with the structure which conveys the effluent (this consent is now jointly held with Methanex Motunui Ltd). The performance of the Methanex Waitara Valley and Motunui plants in relation to their consents is discussed in a separate report (13-72). The Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) monitoring programme for the period under review included three site inspections, an assessment of data, and

Case Law - Craddock Farms v Auckland Council v2

Disb-ict Plan the land m question is zoned Rural, and under the PAUP it would be zoned Rural Production. [7] Both regional and district plans need to be considered in assessing the status of the proposal as a whole. They are: Auckland Council Regional Plan: Air, Land and Water . Rule 5. 5.4 provides that the diversion and discharge of stormwater is a discretionary activity because the impervious area will be over 10, 000m2 with the proposed impermeable surface being approximately 12,000m2.

Pre-hearing meetings & hearings

in Maori must be given to Council Consents staff so they can arrange an appropriate interpreter. If a proposal requires consents from a District Council as well as the Taranaki Regional Council, a joint hearing may be held. A joint hearing will have representatives from all relevant consent authorities hearing the evidence at the same time, rather than parties having to present it separately. Normally a decision will be made jointly but issued separately. A hearing allows people on both sides of

February 2024 rainfall

greater, and high flows were only 36% of typical highs while mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 17.8°C, an average of 0.4°C cooler than normal. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 16.7°C, which is 0.8°C cooler than long-term February averages. The maximum air temperature recorded in February was 28.7°C at Inglewood at Oxidation Ponds. The maximum wind gust recorded in February was 129km/hr at Waitotara at Ngutuwera. February 2024 Environmental Data