Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4939 results.

Assessment of Environmental Effects - Airport Farm Trustee Ltd

replace the resource consent from the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) for discharges to air (as well as to replace the consent for discharge to water). Since lodging the application, AFTL has modified its proposed use of the site and now proposes to convert all four poultry sheds from conventional (i.e. non-free range) broiler poultry configuration to free range configuration. This will have the effect of reducing the overall housing capacity at the site from 95,000 birds allowed at present to

Environmental data

This regional overview is updated every 15 minutes. All timestamps are in NZ Standard Time (-1 hour during daylight saving). Select a site below, then click "detailed site data" to access the most up-to-date results and view/export data by date range. Disclaimer This is raw data and may not have been subjected to a quality control process. All efforts are made to ensure the integrity of the data, but the Council cannot guarantee its accuracy, or its suitability for any purpose. See the full

Coastal Plan submissions A-F

policy statement or plan, change or variation Clause 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991 To: Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 [Uploaded via online feedback form reports/strategy-policy-and-plans/regional-coastal-plan/proposed-coastal-plan- feedback-form/] Name of submitter: Chorus New Zealand Limited PO Box 6640 Auckland 1141 This is a submission on the following

Appendix 1: Regional Policy Statement biodiversity policies and methods

page TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY 82 Appendices Appendix I: Proposed Regional Policy Statement – policies and methods. OBJECTIVE To maintain and enhance the indigenous biodiversity of the Taranaki region, with a priority on ecosystems, habitats and areas that have significant indigenous biodiversity values. Promotion of indigenous biodiversity POLICY 1 The maintenance, enhancement and restoration of indigenous biodiversity

Consents and Regulatory Committee Agenda March 2022

Committee - Opening Karakia 4 page Date 15 March 2022 Subject: Confirmation of Minutes - 1 February 2022 Approved by: A J Matthews, Director - Environment Quality S J Ruru, Chief Executive Document: 3007526 Recommendations That the Consents and Regulatory Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Consents and Regulatory Committee meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held at the

Waitara and Bell Block to get extra weekday bus service

Waitara and Bell Block will get an extra weekday bus service to and from New Plymouth in the New Year, taking the number of return services from five to six. Tranzit Coachlines, which operates Citylink services under contract to the Taranaki Regional Council, will begin the new Route 20 timetable from Thursday 3 January, 2019. The additional service means Waitara High School students from Bell Block will be able to catch a bus home at 3.15pm. “At the moment they face a 75-minute wait, so the

Citylink FAQs

Can you find property I lost on the bus? If you've lost an item while travelling on a Citylink service, send us the details and we'll do our best to find it for you. Download and fill our lost property form - it's interactive and editable. Email the completed form to Please note that the Taranaki Regional Council and Tranzit Coachlines do not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any property brought on to buses by passengers. While we do our best to locate

Todd Energy Mangahewa Production Station Annual Report 2023-2024

and Mangahewa groups of wellsites and includes electricity cogeneration and LPG production facilities. This report for the period July 2023 to June 2024 describes the monitoring programme implemented by Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of Todd Energy’s activities. During