to June 2024 by Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) describing
the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Wai-iti Motor Camp Ltd (the
Company). The Company operates the Wai-iti Beach Retreat (the Retreat) situated on Beach Road in North
Taranaki (Photo 1).
The report includes the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council in
respect of the consents held by the Company that relate to the discharge of treated sewage effluent, and
Taranaki Regional Council
Land Management Section
47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Ph: 06 765 7127, Working with people | caring for Taranaki
Taranaki farmers - here is an opportunity to secure
the future of the farm, in more ways than one.
Research shows that there are limits to the ability of
our land to sustain some farming practices. Steeper
slopes in the eastern hill
41.6% lower than typical values, low flows were 21% greater, and high flows 58.2% lower than typical values while average river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 10.6°C, about the same as long-term June values. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 10.3°C. June average wind speeds were 15 km/hr, with average gust strength of 40.6 km/hr, these were 1.4 km/hr lighter, and 4.7 km/hr weaker than the long-term average. June 2023 hydrology report June 2023
2024 describes the monitoring programme implemented by
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess NPDC’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the NPDC’s activities.
During the monitoring period, NPDC demonstrated an overall level of environmental performance that
requires improvement and a high level of administrative performance.
Regional Council
Private Bag 713
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online)
Document: TRCID-176456519-143 (Word)
Document: TRCID-2128948281-4738 (Pdf)
March 2025
Executive summary
South Taranaki District Council (STDC) operates seven municipal oxidation pond systems within the district
of South Taranaki. This report for the period July 2023 to June 2024, focusses on the oxidation ponds system
located in Hawera, which comprises an anaerobic
Commerciality of Taranaki bus services
The commerciality ratio is a financial calculation that measures public transport performance by
assessing the proportion of revenue generated by public transport users against the cost of
providing the services.
The commerciality ratio for the Taranaki region in the 2014/2015 financial year was 38.9%.
The commerciality ratio per service is shown below.
Public transport services commerciality ratio league table for
Annual days of operation TCC 2015-2024 33
Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is for the period July 2023 to June 2024 by Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the
monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Contact Energy Ltd (the Company). The
Company operates two gas-fired power plants at Stratford Power Station, the
While all remnant wetlands, indigenous forest and coastal ecosystems are
important, the Taranaki Regional Council has a voluntary process for identifying
the ‘jewels in our biodiversity crown’. These ‘jewels’ are called ‘Key Native
Ecosystems’ and have been assessed as having indigenous biodiversity values of
regional significance to Taranaki. At Jan 2023, 358 Key Native Ecosystems had been
listed on the inventory. New sites are identified
period July 2023 to June 2024 describes the monitoring programme implemented by
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of the Company’s activities.
During the monitoring period, RKM Farms Ltd demonstrated a high level of environmental performance
and high level of administrative
operate the Kowhai-A Production Station, located on Ngatimaru Road at Tikorangi. The
Kowhai-A Production Station processes product from the Kowhai-A, B, C and D wellsites.
This report for the period July 2023 to June 2024 describes the monitoring programme implemented by
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses