Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4937 results.

NP trappers winning battle against rats

feel proud of how far we’ve come. On average there are traps in more than one in five New Plymouth households, although there are still hot spots across the city where more work is needed. “Hundreds of volunteers are working with New Plymouth District Council to maintain traps in our parks, walkways and reserves. “And schools and tamariki are among our biggest supporters, which bodes well for the future.” The good news does come with a slight downside, Mr Heslop says. “With fewer rats in the

New Application Land Use Consent Weld Road Reserve between 402 Weld Road Lower Tataraimaka and 385 Lower Ahu Ahu Road Kaitake 20 October 2023

Gazette Notice reference Recreation Reserve: New Zealand Gazette, No 34, 17 March 1983, p 761-762 Record of Title reference 582245 and 582244 District Council / Plans New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) New Plymouth Operative District Plan (ODP) New Plymouth Proposed District Plan – Appeals Version (PDP) Regional Council / Plans Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki (CPT) Address for service during consent processing Tonkin & Taylor Ltd

AN014 Lake Rotorangi SoE Annual Report 2021-2024

page Lake Rotorangi State of the Environment Monitoring Annual Report 2021-2024 Technical Report 2024-98 page page Lake Rotorangi State of the Environment Monitoring Annual Report 2021-2024 Technical Report 2024-98 Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: TRCID-1069546834-11 (Word) Document:


the role, status, powers and principles under that Act relating to local authorities. In particular, the Council’s comments are made in recognition of its:  functions and responsibilities under the Local Government Act 2002 and the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA); and  its regional advocacy responsibilities whereby the Council represents the Taranaki region on matters of regional significance or concern. 3. The Council has also been guided by its Mission Statement ‘To

Application completeness

Is my application complete and accepted to process? We have 10 working days to get back to you to assess whether your application is complete and can be processed. When your application arrives at the regional council it will be checked to make sure it is complete and the correct fee/deposit has been paid. A consent officer will audit the application to ensure there is enough information to enable it to be processed. If necessary, you will be asked for more information. Then a decision will be

Compliance monitoring

vinyl chloride, benzene, toluene, xylene, phenol and others. Time-lapse imaging, to record the visual appearance of a discharge to air or to water. Auditing supplied data, which companies are often required to gather because it is a condition of their resource condition, and/or it is their internal policy to do so. The Council will always audit this supplied data, for example by way of inter-laboratory comparative analyses, to ensure that the quality of the information is acceptable. Related links

April 2023 rainfall

low flows were 243.5%, and high flows 114.3%, of typical values while Mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 14.4ºC, an average of +0.3ºC different to long-term April values. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 15.2ºC, which is +0.6ºC relative to normal. April 2023 hydrology report For a more detailed analysis of the rainfall at the North Egmont Visitors Centre, click here. April 2023 rainfall maps What you should know: The site maps show data from

Compliance monitoring

chloride, benzene, toluene, xylene, phenol and others. Time-lapse imaging, to record the visual appearance of a discharge to air or to water. Auditing supplied data, which companies are often required to gather because it is a condition of their resource condition, and/or it is their internal policy to do so. The Council will always audit this supplied data, for example by way of inter-laboratory comparative analyses, to ensure that the quality of the information is acceptable.