Rainforest Eatery
A vibrant eatery in the heart of Pukeiti with a focus on fresh and local ingredients, and great coffee.
A vibrant eatery in the heart of Pukeiti with a focus on fresh and local ingredients, and great coffee.
As the soil temperature drops and the rain falls, we eagerly embark on our year-long, much-anticipated winter projects. Winter is a season of opportunities at Hollard Garden. It’s the perfect time to relocate shrubs and trees to better locations, divide Hostas, Heliniums, Rudbeckias and other herbaceous perennials and finally allow potted plants to spread their roots into the subsoil. As the soil temperature drops and the rain falls, we eagerly embark on our year-long, much-anticipated winter
page Regional Transport Committee Wednesday 18 March 2015 10.30am Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford page Doc# 1481267-v1 Agenda for the Regional Transport Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council to be held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Wednesday 18 March 2015 commencing at 10.30am. Members Councillor R F H Maxwell (Taranaki Regional Council) (Committee Chairperson)
page Regional Transport Committee Wednesday 6 September 2017 11.00am Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford page Agenda for the meeting of the Regional Transport Committee to be held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Wednesday 6 September 2017 commencing at 11.00am. Members Councillor C S Williamson (Committee Chairperson) Councillor M J McDonald (Committee Deputy Chairperson) Councillor H
Read our latest Annual Report and Quarterly Operational Reports. Pre-Election Report The Taranaki Regional Council’s Pre-Election Report for the October 2019 local authority is intended to inform the regional community and to promote public discussion about any financial issues facing the Council. As is required by law, this Pre-Election Report is prepared by the Council’s Chief Executive rather than elected Council members. Pre-Election Report 2019 (718 KB pdf) (single document only)
That the Consents and Regulatory Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Consents and Regulatory Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on 8 June 2021 at 9.30am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on 29 June 2021. Matters arising Appendices/Attachments Document 2791946: Minutes
page 1 A Study into the Use of Prosecutions under the Resource Management Act 1991 1 July 2008 – 30 September 2012 page page 1 Based on a report by Karenza de Silva, Environmental Lawyer with assistance from Chris Buhler, Assistant Consents Officer, Taranaki Regional Council Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this report is as clear and accurate as
Regulations 24-35; 51(2); 52; 54(3) & (4); 55; 56; 58; 59; 60(3) & (4); 61(3), (4) & (5); 65; 68; 69; 70(3) & (4); 71; 73(2); 74; 75; 104(2); and 105. 23 The Taranaki Regional Council will accept as compliance with this condition, an on-site domestic wastewater treatment system designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the ‘New Zealand Manual of alternative wastewater treatment and disposal systems, volume II, Part A. On-site wastewater disposal from households and
the water beyond a zone of reasonable mixing38; There shall be no significant adverse effects on aquatic life or instream habitat; No contaminants shall be released to the river or lake bed from equipment being used for the activity, and no refuelling of equipment shall take place on any area of the river or lake bed; The Taranaki Regional Council shall be informed that the removal or demolition activity is to occur, at least two working days prior to its commencement.