Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4937 results.

Schedule V: Sites of geological significance

page 175 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 5 – S i t e s o f geo l og i ca l s ign i f i c ance Schedule 5 – Sites of geological significance This schedule identifies sites identified in the Geological Society of New Zealand’s Inventory and Maps of Important Geological Sites and Landforms in the Taranaki and Wanganui Regions 1996. Sites locations are approximate only and are not intended to provide a definitive location or extent of a

TRC Climate Summary January 2025

page Taranaki Regional Council Monthly Rainfall and Environmental Data Report for January 2025 Note: The data presented here are provisional data only and may change as a result of quality control at a later date. 1. Rainfall Map 1: January total rainfall (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key). Note: The year-to-date thematic rainfall map have been removed from this report, as it is identical to the January total rainfall map included above.

Form B – Land Use & Discharge consent application form for farming activities (Jan 2025)

applied for 2.2 Please state where in the AEE the information can be located AEE Page Number Section Please indicate the following for each activity:  The regional plan/NES-FW and rule you are applying under  What permitted activity rule and standards are not being complied with and why  What is the activity status of your application Councils preference is the information is provided in the format shown below Consent/s required Regional