Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4937 results.

Form B – Land Use & Discharge consent application form for farming activities (Jan 2025)

applied for 2.2 Please state where in the AEE the information can be located AEE Page Number Section Please indicate the following for each activity:  The regional plan/NES-FW and rule you are applying under  What permitted activity rule and standards are not being complied with and why  What is the activity status of your application Councils preference is the information is provided in the format shown below Consent/s required Regional

Navigation & safety in Port area

The Council's navigation & safety bylaws for Port Taranaki and its approaches aim to make this area safe for all users, commercial and recreational. Harbour areas Recreational facilities Speed restrictions The harbour limits for Port Taranaki and its approaches are defined by the sea area within a 2.5 nautical mile radius from Moturoa trig. Port Taranaki and its approaches (click on map for large version). The Port and its approaches have a wide range of users, from large merchant ships and

Navigation & safety in Port area

The Council's navigation & safety bylaws for Port Taranaki and its approaches aim to make this area safe for all users, commercial and recreational. Harbour areas Recreational facilities Speed restrictions The harbour limits for Port Taranaki and its approaches are defined by the sea area within a 2.5 nautical mile radius from Moturoa trig. Port Taranaki and its approaches (click on map for large version). The Port and its approaches have a wide range of users, from large merchant ships and

Todd Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant KGTP Annual Report 2020 2021

Company) operates a gas treatment plant (Kapuni Gas Treatment Plant, KGTP) located on Palmer Road at Kapuni, in the Kapuni catchment, South Taranaki. During the monitoring period, the Company demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. This report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period

TRC Climate Summary Report December 2024

page Taranaki Regional Council Monthly Rainfall and Environmental Data Report for December 2024 Note: The data presented here are provisional data only and may change as a result of quality control at a later date. 1. Rainfall Map 1: December total rainfall (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key). page Map 1a. Total rainfall 1 January to end December (mm) and percentage of long-term mean (colour key). Table 1: Rainfall December and year

TRC Bulletin - June 2020

Council hydrologists with promising results, the Consents and Regulatory Committee was told. Flow gauging is traditionally carried out manually, with the technicians wading across the river measuring water depth and flow as they go, or doing the same from a canoe. This is a labour-intensive process, and there can be logistical and safety challenges. New digital technology, however, uses still or video images to calculate surface water speeds and river flow by tracking the speed of particles and

March 2024 rainfall

Autumn arrived in Taranaki in March with an average air tempeature of 14.5°C - 1.7°C cooler than normal. The highest temperature was 25.7°C at Inglewood at Oxidation Ponds. There was an average of 95.9mm rainfall – 14% less than usual – although there were some big downpours on te Maunga with 374.5mm at the North Egmont Visitors Centre and 351mm at Dawson Falls. There was 41% less rain at Brooklands Zoo at New Plymouth and 33% more at Kotare at OSullivans. Mean river flows for March were 38.7%