Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4934 results.

Biodiversity plans

Got a special block of bush or wetland area on your land? It might fall into our Key Native Ecosystem (KNE) programme and qualify for a free Biodiversity Plan. Protecting native habitats relies on effective planning to ensure all aspects of management are considered. For example it's no good killing the predators if meanwhile old man's beard is smothering the canopy. To help owners protect KNEs on their land, the Council prepares free Biodiversity Plans for KNEs that fall either wholly or

Air quality / Coast

The Council works hard with the community to ensure the region's air quality remains generally high, and the coastal environment maintains and increases the richness needed for its myriad cultural, social and economic uses.


Find out what is funded by your Taranaki Regional Council rates, how your rates are calculated, and where you can get information on individual property values and the rates payable on them. Downloads Public notice - rating information database 2020 (63 KB pdf)

Solid waste disposal

consent. Call the Council on 0800 736 22 or email Seepage or runoffYou can discharge solid material or wastewater from industrial or trade premises to on to land without a consent if you can meet these conditions: You discharge only waste from your own property. The discharge causes no ponding of water. No waste or runoff enters water. The discharge point is more than 25m from a waterway and more than 50 from any well or spring used as a water supply. The discharge is not

Biodiversity - KNEs

The Council's Inventory of Key Native Ecosystems (KNEs), first published in 2006 and continually updated since, documents hundreds of biodiversity hotspots. Inventory of Key Native Ecosystems in Taranaki (2006) Contents, Introduction and Background, Reader's Guide (p1-7) (192 KB pdf) More KNEs Contents, Introduction and Background, Reader's Guide (p1-7) (192 KB pdf) Alfred Road - Kuwhatahi (p8-79) (1.4 MB pdf) Lake Kaikura - Nofolk Road (p80-147) (1.3 MB pdf) Nowell's Lakes - Rowan Road

Treat yourself and the planet on Car-Free Day

If you’re toying with the idea of ditching the car and using public transport for the sake of the planet, now is the ideal time to give it a go. Taranaki’s regional and local bus services will be free on Friday (20 September) to mark World Car-Free Day. This includes New Plymouth Citylink services (except school buses), and the Hāwera-New Plymouth Connector, while once-weekly or twice-weekly Southlink services will be free all week so no one misses out. “Everyone’s increasingly aware of the