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Application attachment appendix H Terrestrial Ecology Assessment Manawa Energy 14 Feb 2023 REVISED

finely dissected. Assessment methods This assessment is informed by site visits and a review of existing information. The potentially affected sites were visited on several occasions between November 2018 and January 2020. Existing information on terrestrial ecological values was obtained from a range of sources, including the scientific literature, district and regional council reports, and various online sources such as bird and plant databases. These are cited

Wai-iti consent monitoring report 2020-2021

prior to construction of the rock wall and b) rock wall facing north from stream (Nov 2005) 4 Photo 3 Wai-iti Beach, looking from site SEA900060 towards SEA900063, with the Wai-iti Stream entering from center-left 7 page 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2020 to June 2021 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) describing the monitoring

Policy & Planning minutes October 2021

Late Items postponed. 1. Confirmation of Minutes – 31 August 2021 Resolved That the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held via audio-visual link on Tuesday 31 August 2021 at 10.30am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday 21 September 2021. Joyce/Boyde

Essential Freshwater Timeline January 2023

Stock must be excluded from lakes and rivers wider than 1m anywhere in the land parcel as follows. • Dairy cattle and pigs on any terrain • Intensively grazed beef cattle and deer on any terrain • All beef, dairy, dairy support cattle, deer and pigs from wetlands identified in the Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki Dairy farms need to record use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser to provide Taranaki Regional Council by 31 July annually for the year. Synthetic

Resource consents issued 20 August to 30 September 2021

Non-notified authorisations issued by the Taranaki Regional Council between 20 Aug 2021 and 30 Sep 2021 R2/10945-1.0 Commencement Date: 17 Sep 2021 Delbrae Farms (2015) Limited Expiry Date: 01 Jun 2041 Review Dates: Jun 2029, Jun 2035 Activity Class: Discretionary Location: 576 Hastings Road, Matapu Application Purpose: New To construct a new bridge over the Mangatoki Stream, including associated disturbance of the stream bed Rohe:

Cheal production station monitoring 2020-2021

Report 2020-2021 Technical Report 2021-33 Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2818053 (Word) Document: 2831940 (Pdf) August 2021 page page Executive summary Cheal Petroleum Ltd (the Company), a subsidiary of Tamarind NZ Onshore Ltd, operates a petrochemical production station located on Mountain

Pātea Beach greenwaste monitoring 2020-2021

is recognising the comprehensive meaning of ‘effects’ in as much as is appropriate for each activity. Monitoring programmes are not only based on existing permit conditions, but also on the obligations of the RMA to assess the effects of the exercise of consents. In accordance with Section 35 of the RMA, the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and maintains an overview of the performance of resource users and consent holders. Compliance

Legal Submissions - NPDC

page Cor\se^ BEFORE INDEPENDENT HEARINGS COMMISSIONERS AT NEW PLYMOUTH IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1999 AND IN THE MATTER of an application by Airport Farm Trustee Limited to the Taranaki Regional Council to replace an air discharge consent for a poultry farm at 58 Airport Drive, New Plymouth Consent No: 5262-3.0 LEGAL SUBMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF THE NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL Dated: 15 February 2022 GovettQuilliom THE LAWYERS Lauren Wallace /

Schedule 5B - Sites of significance to Māori and associated values (Ngāti Ruanui)

page 186 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 5 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age Ngāti Ruanui The resources found within Te Moananui a Kupe since time immemorial, provided the people of Ngāti Ruanui with a constant supply of food resources. The hidden reefs provided kōura, pāua, kina, pupu, papaka, pipi, tuatua, and many other reef inhabitants. Hapuka, moki, kanae, mako, and patiki swim feely between the many reefs that can be found stretching

Taranaki Galvanizers monitoring report 2020-2021

Company) operates a zinc galvanising plant located on Monmouth Road, approximately 1 km north of Stratford, in the Kahouri Stream catchment. The Company utilises a hot-dip galvanising process to provide a protective coating for steel materials. This report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The