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Pukeiti Newsletter May 2019

and for individual collections, that contribute to the conservation of Rhododendron species. The project is led by Marion MacKay of Massey University, and participants include Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust, Taranaki Regional Council and New Zealand Rhododendron Association. International links are maintained to the Global Rhododendron Conservation Consortium (UK), the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden (USA) and other international groups associated with Rhododendron conservation.

Pukeiti school visits

page S I T E 2012 I S S U E N O.6F E B R U A R Y 4 Pukeiti is one of the world’s largest rhododendron collections uniquely nestled in rainforest between Mt Taranaki and the coast, just south of New Plymouth. Thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers since it’s creation 60 odd years ago, we all have the opportunity of experiencing its huge diversity and beauty. The Taranaki Regional Council assumed ownership and management of Pukeiti on 1 July 2010, to


hazards Coastal erosion Flooding Riverbank erosion and landslides High winds and tornadoes Droughts Climate change A major event can have dramatic social and economic effects. Preparing for and responding to natural hazards in terms of reduction, readiness, response and recovery is a key component of the Council's work. 243 Natural hazards 9 annotation page ‘A severe tornado occurs about once in every

1 Freshwater Management Units

page CONCEPT SHEET 1 The ABC (and D) of Freshwater Management Units This is one of two concept sheets discussing how Taranaki waterways can be managed to meet the requirements of the Government's 2014 National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management. See also Concept Sheet 2 on bottom lines and the National Objectives Framework. The Government has directed Councils to group their regional waterways into ‘Freshwater Management Units’, with each

Candidate profile Chris Wilkes

page Taranaki Regional Council North Taranaki Constituency Electing 2 Regional Councillors Chris WILKES My principal place of residence is not in the North Taranaki Constituency area. I reside literally 1km over the electoral boundary down the coast but am born and raised in the North Ward. I believe we must change our approach to natural resources in Taranaki to ensure the region's prosperity into the future. We must adopt better, more sustainable, ways to secure the wealth of

Urban development Capacity in the New Plymouth District

high-growth. Initially identified as a medium-growth urban area, New Plymouth district was later classified as high growth1. The change of classification requires high-growth “local authorities” (i.e. New Plymouth District Council and Taranaki Regional Council) to undertake planning and monitoring actions to implement the NPS-UDC. The New Plymouth district covers an area of 2,205 square metres. New Plymouth District Council and Taranaki Regional Council are working together on the

Submitter evidence - John Oxenham (for Bendalls and Baker)

page BEFORE THE DECISION MAKERS AT NEW PLYMOUTH IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (“RMA”) AND IN THE MATTER an application to renew existing resource consents associated with a composting operation at Uruti BETWEEN Remediation New Zealand Limited Applicant AND Taranaki Regional Council Consent Authority STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF JOHN DANIEL OXENHAM Dated: 22 MARCH 2021

Freshwater recreational bathing summer 2018-2019

page Freshwater contact recreational water quality at Taranaki sites State of the Environment Monitoring Annual Report 2018-2019 Technical Report 2019-01 Taranaki Regional Council ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713 Document: 2267366 (Word) STRATFORD Document: 2317684 (Pdf) September 2019 page page Executive

Summer 2010-2011

page Freshwater contact recreational water quality at selected Taranaki sites State of the Environment Monitoring Report 2010-2011 Technical Report 2011–01 ISSN: 0114-8184 (Print) Taranaki Regional Council ISSN:1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713 Document: 916026 STRATFORD September 2011 page page Executive summary

Pukeiti outer tracks brochure2

Hollard Gardens areū proudly owned by the Taranaki Regional Council for the Taranaki community and their visitors. Pukeiti Rainforest Day walks 2290 Carrington Road, New Plymouth. Patuha Track 1.2 km 0.8 kmTe Iringa Track 1.9 kmKaitake Track 1.0 kmSummit Track Jubilee Track 1.3 km 1.6 kmSaxton Track 0.7 kmRimu Track (further 400m to summit) For thousands of years Pukeiti was unspoiled virgin rainforest. Most of the Rimu were removed in a decade during