Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4845 results.

Pukeiti newsletter and plant list February 2018

world, even more than Kew, and the staff are determined to ensure that this remains, hence the focus on propagation at Pukeiti. Details of the collection are available online and the work to enable this and keep the records up-to-date has also been intense. One of the other prime activities of the Regional Council is of course the conservation of the forest. To bring this to visitors’ attention further track development through the bush is on the drawing boards, and some of the ideas

Appendix K - landscaping plan

..................................................................................................... 5 Preferred Species to be planted .................................................................................................... 9 page Landscaping Plan REMEDIATION NZ LTD Page 3 Document No:RU-650-0700-A Revision No:1.3 Date:7-11-2019 Controller: D Gibson 0.0 Terms and Definitions TRC Taranaki Regional Council STRESS South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Scheme

Hearing evidence - additional from Submitters - Van Kekem - 04 March 2022

Mr Pene has used the definition of a dwelling house in the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki (RAQPT) to define the area around a dwelling (or curtilage) within which the occupants of that dwelling could reasonably be adversely affected by odour discharged from the farm. Whilst I am not opposed to using this as the basis for defining the area within which we should consider the peak off-site effects, I consider that it may have been difficult for Mr Pene to accurately

Candidate profile Mike Swift

page Taranaki Regional Council New Plymouth Constituency Electing 5 Regional Councillors Mike SWIFT My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth Constituency area. Raised in rural Taranaki and now residing in New Plymouth I have a full appreciation for our unique environment. The harshness and the beauty of our natural landscape and waterways along with the productive nature of our fertile soils and resources that make for a prosperous region. My background in

G J Elliott submission attachment

Council (TRC) with the personnel below, on 30 July 2021at the TRC in Stratford, to clarify details of the Application: a. Gary Bedford – Planning Manager b. Colin McLellan – Consents Manager 3. They shared with us how revealing this meeting was, in terms of how current consents are supposed to operate, what obligations are placed on parties, and the rights of affected parties. If we, and neighbours, had been aware of these much earlier, we believe that the TRC would

Frankley School Bush, McKie covenant, Matekai Park

species such as the goldstripe gecko (Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus) (‘At Risk’ and ‘Regionally Distinctive’) and threatened large galaxiids (kokopu) (‘At Risk’, ‘Regionally Distinctive’). Ecological values Ecological values Rank Comment Rarity & distinctiveness Medium Contains good examples of poorly represented vegetation (swamp maire) and is one area where this species in naturally regenerating well. Likely to contain threatened and regionally distinctive species

Freshwater ecological monitoring 2017-2018

page Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Fauna Biological Monitoring Programme Annual State of the Environment Monitoring Report 2017-2018 Technical Report 2018-61 (and Report DS104) Taranaki Regional Council ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713 Document: 2242594 (Word) STRATFORD Document: 2277172 (Pdf) July 2019 page page Executive summary Section

Resource consent applications received between 5 to 18 August 2024

John Goodin 12-Aug-24 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit Auroa Road, Manaia Otakeho 24-03189-3.0 R2/3189-3.0 Estate of C W Fischer 13-Aug-24 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 2352 Skeet Road, Auroa Taikatu 24-05145-3.0 R2/5145-3.0 R & C Corrigan Oaks Trust Partnership 13-Aug-24 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 75 Nolan Road,

Remediation Hearing Bendall & Baker Supplementary Evidence

page / BEFORE THE COMMISSIONERS AT NEW PLYMOUTH IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 ("RMA") AND IN THE MATTER an application to renew existing resource consents associated with a composting operation at Uruti BETWEEN Remediation New Zealand Limited Applicant AND Taranaki Regional Council Consent Authority SUPPLEMENTARY STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF DUNCAN BACKSHALL ON BEHALF OF DAWN & GLEN GENDALL AND JENNIFER BAKER Dated: 25TH

Report 2014-2016

page Freshwater Periphyton Monitoring Programme (Periphyton monitoring in relation to amenity values) State of Environment Monitoring Report 2014-2016 Technical Report 2016-34 ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Taranaki Regional Council Document: 1681833 (Word) Private Bag 713 Document: 1733745 (Pdf) STRATFORD September 2016 page page Executive summary