Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application Type Description Activity Type Location Catchment
23-11169-1.0 R2/11169-1.0 Ingka Investments Management NZ Ltd 16-Oct-23 New consent To remove two existing crossings and install a culvert Land Use Consent Matau Road, Matau Waitara
23-11173-1.0 R2/11173-1.0 New Plymouth District Council 17-Oct-23 New consent
To drill a well within 25m of the Mangati Stream for the purpose of
geotechnical testing Land Use Consent
Taranaki Regional Council
New Plymouth Constituency
Electing 5 Regional Councillors
My principal place of residence is in the New
Plymouth Constituency area.
I am a young business owner with a professional
background in community, education and
environmental science.
As a facilitator of various projects such as the
popular Finding Little Blue penguin monitoring project and the
Seal Sitters volunteer programme, I work with local non-profit
1442647 MB Final Draft.
The Council gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the many businesses, organisations, community
groups, iwi, trusts and other agencies that have provided valuable information in compiling the State of the
Environment Report 2015. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the Stratford District Council, the
South Taranaki District Council, the New Plymouth District Council and staff at the Taranaki Regional Council.
Freshwater Periphyton
Monitoring Programme
(Periphyton monitoring in relation to amenity values)
State of Environment
Monitoring Report
Technical Report 2015-105
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Taranaki Regional Council
Document: 1383427 (Word) Private Bag 713
Document: 1556564 (Pdf) STRATFORD
March 2016
Executive summary
Section 35 of the
Taranaki Regional Council
New Plymouth Constituency
Electing 5 Regional Councillors
Rusty KANE
People's Choice
My principal place of residence is in the New
Plymouth Constituency area. I am also standing
for Taranaki District Health Board.
Rusty Kane.
Soil Consultant BSC.
Candidate for Taranaki Regional Council.
If elected I will work closely with region's farmers, iwi and
industry for the region's social, economic, and environmental
well-being. I will work hard to ensure
Commercial-scale log harvesting (covering 5ha or more) is the
focus of a number of measures in the Draft Freshwater and
Land Plan. They are designed to minimise the risks of soil
erosion and impacts on freshwater quality.
The Council proposes rules that are closely aligned with
industry best-practice, while keeping requirements as simple
and streamlined as possible.
When a resource consent would
AEE requirements for DWI applications (14/2/13)
(This has been pasted from section 6.1.2 the DRAFT of Guide to regulating oil and gas
exploration activities under the Resource Management Act (Taranaki Regional Council
A detailed AEE is required for any application for consent to discharge waste fluids
by DWI. The information presented in the AEE must demonstrate that the
proposed activity will not result in any adverse environmental effect that is deemed
to be more
Taranaki Regional Council
South Taranaki Constituency
Electing 3 Regional Councillors
My principal place of residence is not in the South
Taranaki Constituency area.
We live in a great region with a quality
environment. This allows for many pursuits to be
enjoyed both recreationally and by supporting
our livelihoods. Clearly, looking after our
environment is a position supported by all. The challenge is
deciding by what improvement methods, over what
The residues were found amongst decomposed municipal waste. The
Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) sampled the residues and found high concentrations of
chemicals formerly used for the manufacture of phenoxy herbicides. The residues also
had elevated concentrations of the dioxin 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).
The discovery of the chemical residues raised concerns within the community that there
could be general dioxin and other contamination within the landfill
remaining 800 discharge to land.
The new requirements would generally come into effect as
resource consents are renewed.
Page 1 of 2
What would these changes achieve?
The Council has undertaken a stocktake of the evidence,
studies and research relating to improved dairy effluent
management. A key finding is that farm dairy effluent is
valuable as a fertilizer and soil conditioner, and for its water
content, which farmers