Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4852 results.

Variable oystercatcher

defend their area from neighbours.  They first breed when they are four to six years old. Variable oystercatcher (Haematopus unicolor) Number 18 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL Biodiversity Section Ph: 06 765 7127 Fax: 06 765 5097 Email: Working with people — caring for Taranaki Variable oystercatchers at Mimi Estuary

Long-term trends for periphyton (2014 memo)

streams/rivers (i.e. wadeable) which have beds predominantly composed of gravels and cobbles. These are the environments where periphyton impact most on human values and contribute to aquatic food chain. The MfE guidelines specify that for aesthetic and ecological health reasons, long algae filaments should not exceed 30% coverage of the river bed, and thick algae mats should not exceed 60%. To determine the state of the region’s streams and rivers with regard to periphyton, the Council monitors

Abplanalp Kaupokonui Bush; Banga's Bush; Brookwood; Brough Covenant; Karanga; Eco Blue Nature Reserve; Theresa Jones Forest; Log Jam

conservation covenant with the QEII National Trust. Herbivores - Medium Extensive possum habitat in the vicinity. Situated on edge of Egmont National Park which receives regular periodic possum control and situated within the Taranaki Regional Council Possum Self Help area. Goats are in extremely low numbers in the ENP. Weeds - Low Current incidence of ecological pest plants is very low. The site is situated adjacent post-harvest exotic forest land, which could give rise to increased risk of

Taranaki climate hazards & extremes - high winds & tornadoes

for release by: Craig Thompson Murray Poulter page Executive Summary This report has been prepared for the New Plymouth District Council and the Taranaki Regional Council. It is the fifth in a series of reports that analyse and discuss the climate hazards, extremes and variability that are likely to impact on the New Plymouth district in the current climate and during the 21st century. This report focuses on documentation

Biological control

page WHAT IS BIOLOGICAL CONTROL? Biological control of weeds uses one living organism to control another. Weeds are generally not native to New Zealand so for some weeds their natural enemies can be imported to help restore the natural balance between the weed and the wider environment. The Taranaki Regional Council is part of a national collective which provides research, advice and assistance on biological control of pest

List and subs1 110 web

on the 2019/2020 Plan - List of Submissions received (526) and scanned copies 312 page Ordinary Meeting to hear submissions on the 2019/2020 Plan - List of Submissions received (526) and scanned copies 313 page SUBMISSION ___________________________________________________________________________ To: TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL From: TARANAKI FEDERATED FARMERS Submission on: Annual Plan 2019: Yarrow

14AEE AppendixL

page RECEIVED 3 0 NOV 20J7 Taranaki Regional Council APPENDIX 'L' Fish Survey & Biomonitoring Report page To Nathan Crook, Scientific Officer From Bart Jansma, Scientific Officer Report No BJ301 Document 1924640 Date 1 September 2017 Fish Survey of the Haehanga Stream in relation to discharges from the Remediation (NZ) Limited composting site at Uruti, December 2016 Introduction Remediation (NZ) Ltd operates a composting facility in the

Taranaki flood schemes summary leaflet

page #2058766 If you live and/or work in Waitara, The Valley in New Plymouth, Ōkato, Opunake or Waitōtara, your property/workplace is within one of the Taranaki Regional Council’s flood control schemes. This leaflet explains what’s involved in these schemes, what they’re designed to withstand, and what flood risks may remain. Waitara Part of Waitara's current flood defences. Long-term Waitara residents will recall floods in the township, the

Taranaki Biodiversity Trust - Top six priorities 2015-2017

4.1 Develop a policy and procedure for the distribution of funds for biodiversity projects. 4.2 Develop policies and procedures for financial accountability of the Trust administration Tasks: MoU with Taranaki Regional Council concerning support for the Trust. The MoU will have an annual review period. Develop Policies. Set up a document sharing system. Priority 2. Produce a Fundraising Strategy and Plan Strategic Plan Focus: Revenue creation. Sustainable funding over