Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application Type Description Activity Type Location Catchment
23-11190-1.0 R2/11190-1.0 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency 15-Dec-23 New consent
To discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks
associated with the creation of new access tracks and hard
standing for storage onto land at Fill Site 7 as part of the
construction of Te Ara o Te Ata Bypass Discharge Permit 2289 Mokau Road, Uruti Mimi
23-11190-1.0 R2/11191-1.0
undertaken in some areas.
The primary value of these wetlands is as secure habitat for the ‘At Risk’ and
Regionally Distinctive’ brown mudfish (Neochanna apoda). Other wetland
species are present including ‘At Risk’ species such as the freshwater
crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons). Pukeko (Porphyrio porphyria melanotus)
are present and other notable bird species may also inhabit the wetlands.
Ecological values
Ecological values Rank Comment
additional benefit of being
formally protected.
Ecological context - High Provides habitat for regionally distinctive species and is an
important link in a corridor of native vegetation along the sides of
the Waiwhakaiho river.
Representativeness - High The ecosystem type is WF13, Tawa, kohekohe, rewarewa, hinau,
podocarp forest which is classified as 'Chronically threatened'.
There is approximately 16% of this type of ecosystem left in the
Taranaki region.
Key Native Ecosystem
Ecosystem Loss:
Chronically threatened 10-20%
Acutely Threatened <10% left
Catchment: Otahi 2 (Otahi) (365)
General Description
The Kintyre Bush forest remnant is located on privately owned land, approx 7.5km north east of
Opunake. The site is in the Egmont Ecological District and located within the Otahi (2) stream
catchment. Tawa and kahikatea are the dominant
open to the public and
focused towards 15-105 year olds. Most are
advertised on Facebook but please feel free to book
your spot via the email above.
Enviroschools and the South Taranaki District Council (STDC) are
proud to bring you this series of workshops
Potential KNE
Ecosystem Loss:
Chronically threatened 10-20%
Catchment: Huatoki (389)
General Description
The site is a 1.9ha remnant of semi-coastal forest with a canopy dominated by tawa, rewarewa, rimu and
pukatea. The ecosystem type is classified as WF13, tawa, kohekohe, rewarewa, hinau, podocarp forest.
The remnant is part of a larger area of indigenous and exotic forest that is contiguous with the
Native Ecosystem
Ecosystem Loss:
Less reduced >50% left
Protection Status: QEII Covenant
Catchment: Te Henui (391)
General Description
Pukekotahuna Headwaters Reserve is located is located off the top end of Mangorei Road, 14 kilometres
south west of New Plymouth. The covenant provides connectivity to other priority KNE's and habitats
in the area including Te Papakura o Taranaki,
21-Dec-23 New consent
To discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks during the
construction of the Oru wellsite onto and into land in
circumstances where it may enter water Discharge Permit 495 Wingrove Road, Pukengahu Patea
24-00316-4.1 R2/0316-4.1 Poole Brothers Limited 03-Jan-24 Change of consent conditions
To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land...change of consent
conditions to increase number of cows Discharge Permit 1251 Manaia Road, Kaponga Kaupokonui
Two state highways in Taranaki will receive new mobile coverage. Approximately
62kms will be covered across State Highways 3 and 43.
Mobile Black Spot Fund – Tourism Areas
The Taranaki region will receive new mobile coverage for 2 tourism areas:
Just north of Taranaki, SH3 at Mokau has also been identified for improved coverage
under the MBSF.
Related maps and tables providing indicative coverage are provided over page for reference.
area is completely fenced. Water levels are sustainable.
Site protection measures addressing potential and actual threats are as follows:
Site protection Yes/No Description
A Public ownership or
formal agreement
Yes The entire KNE area is in the process of gaining formal
protection with a QEII Trust open space covenant.
B Regulatory protection by
local government
Yes General regional or district rules might apply.
C Active protection Yes A small scale predator