Term 2, 2020
13 May 3.30-5 Towards Predator Free 2050 hui for
teachers. Venue TBC (let us know if you want to host)
27 May 3.30—5 How to run a Zero Waste event. Venue
Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford
Other exciting things happening in terms 1 & 2
A (bus) tiki tour of Taranaki sites of significance both seen and unseen. Date TBC. Whole day.
Teacher release & lunch provided
Pick your date now! For us to
workshop some
life can be killed, habitats
destroyed and the stream can take many years to
You may think that your little bit of waste can’t harm
the environment but there are other people in the
region carrying out activities similar to yours. Your
waste when combined with that of others can amount
to a significant amount of pollution occurring every day
of the year. The cumulative effects of combined
discharges can cause serious damage to our
environment and must be prevented.
It is
Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application Type Description Activity Type Location Catchment
23-11185-1.0 R2/11185-1.0 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency 14-Nov-23 New consent
To construct an outfall structure for the purpose of
discharging stormwater Land Use Consent
Waitara and Tate Road
Intersection, Brixton Waiongana
23-11185-1.0 R2/11186-1.0 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency 14-Nov-23 New consent
To discharge stormwater associated with soil
Kakaramea in South Taranaki. The wetland is located in the
Manawatu Plains Ecological District in the Mangaroa Stream catchment.
General description
The wetland area is 1.7 hectares in size and is predominantly a coastal
palustrine raupo dominated wetland with a small area of open water at the
western end. The wetland is in close proximity to other coastal wetlands in
the area including Regionally Significant wetland such as the Spence Road
Pond and Lake Kaikura.
Ecological features
Taranaki region waste disposal to
This site currently operates under Resource Consents issued by the Taranaki Regional Council. Two of the
consents expire on 1 June 2018 and we are in the process of applying for renewal. The consents are 5838-2.2
which is to discharge a) waste material to land for composting and b) treated stormwater and leachate from
composting operations; onto and into land in circumstances where contaminants may enter water in the
facing sheltered sites. Timber
from this species displays good drying properties.
Eucalyptus johnstonii
Tasmanian alpine yellow gum
This species has been acknowledged above as a
possibility for coastal shelter. It is also considered suited
to planting on hill country, and for shelter where soils
are wetter. Johnstonii tolerates any amount of frost.
Aesthetic & Ornamental purposes - whole
A number of eucalypt species are suitable for aesthetic
purposes, and many of these can be found
83 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki
Discharges from any industrial or trade premises, production land, waste
management process, site development, earthworks, the application of soil
conditioners, horticultural or intensive farming processes not provided for in
Rules 1 to 54
84 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki
Mt Messenger Bypass
A better and safer road
Mt Messenger Bypass
What we’re doing
• Environment Court hearing
• Ecology programme
• Engagement with landowners,
iwi, communities, councils and
other key stakeholders
• 6 appeals
• Mediation
• Hearing on 15
and 22 July
Council hearing
Aug - Oct 2018
• Consents
granted / NoR
Dec 2018
Dec 2017
• Notification
period, Jan -
specific, dependent on funding) and levy funded
agrichemicals for volumes less than 150 litres total.
• Must be transported in containers that are not damaged, leaking or split
and segregated properly.
Waste oil from agricultural users - Free
• This can be dropped off on the day in containers less than 20L in size.
Woven polypropylene bags e.g seed, fertiliser & feed bags – Free
• Free of any fertiliser residue and minimum external contamination such
as mud and grass.
• Bundled inside
A range of options are commonly
prescribed by pest control officers. The
choice of technique depends on the
individual property concerned. Council
sells most pest control products
(excluding cyanide paste) at the bulk cost
Controlled substance licencControlled substance licencControlled substance licencControlled substance licenceeee ( ( ( (CSL)CSL)CSL)CSL)