CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 6 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age
The domain of Tangaroa extends from the source of these awa, “te piki ake o Maunga Taranaki” to the sea. As a result the relationship the various hapū have with these rivers relates to
the entire catchment. The tangible linkages provide them with a system of pathways throughout their takiwa enabling hapū access inland. River travel was important to all hapū for both
the priority is for the community and for ratepayer expenditure is
in a community sport facility (looking at the possibilities of developing the
inner race track) which would enable thousands of residents to benefit
Local Government
Funding Agency
Tick if you also
wish to submit on
the Council's
proposal to join the
Local Government
Funding Agency
Are you in favour
Ordinary Meeting to hear submissions on the 2019/2020 Plan - List of Submissions
23-03164-3.0 R2/3164-3.0 Tempsky Farms Limited 02-May-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 84 Little Tempsky Road, Matapu Inaha
23-02544-3.0 R2/2544-3.0 South Taranaki District Council 03-May-23 New consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 5109 Mountain Road, Hawera Tangahoe
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 6 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age
Schedule 6 – Historic heritage
Schedule 6A – Archaeological sites of significance, built heritage and historic areas
Sites identified in this schedule include those identified in Archaeological Scoping Study December 2012. Site locations are approximate only and are not intended to provide a definitive
location or extent of a site.
No. Type Name Location Category
Condition 16 Any new groundwater monitoring wells required by condition 14 shall be
installed to the following standards;
a) Prior to installation of any new wells, confirmed NZTM GPS locations shall be
provided to Council for approval.
b) All new wells shall be at least 25 metres from any water way (unless otherwise
authorised by a separate consent) and be accessible by vehicle;
c) All new wells shall be installed by a qualified driller and designed to encounter
groundwater and
Pungarehu, 10.2.2019
Submission by Urs Signer
Tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou,
I am submitting in opposition to the renewal of resource consents to discharge waste material, treated
stormwater & leachate, and to discharge emissions into the air from composting operations by Remediation
(NZ) Ltd at 1460 Mokau Road, Uruti (Consent No 5838-3.0 and 5839-3.0).
In the TRC Technical Report on Remidation NZ (Technical Report 2016-83), the council notes that “[d]uring
the monitoring
Working with people l caring for Taranaki
Waste Minimisation
New Plymouth Civic Centre
About New Plymouth Civic Centre
New Plymouth Civic Centre is the headquarters of the New Plymouth
District Council (NPDC), which leases parts of the building to three other
organisations. A total of 375 people work there.
part of our national identity. The provision and benefits of fresh water to meet economic, social, cultural and
environmental needs are referred to as ‘ecosystem services’, and include water for:
intrinsic cultural value and a source of mahinga kai;
potable water supply and household use – and I think councils are now waking up the to the need to
be much more aggressive about scientifically directed management;
economic uses
Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application Type Description Activity Type Location Catchment
23-11175-1.0 R2/11175-1.0 Mahcoll Commercial Developments Ltd 24-Oct-23 New consent
To install a culvert in a tributary of the Waihi Stream
for subdivision development purposes Land Use Consent Glover Road, Hawera Waihi
23-11176-1.0 R2/11176-1.0 Phillip Jackson Armitstead 24-Oct-23 New consent To drill and construct a bore Land Use Consent 148 Skinner Road, Stratford
effluent onto land Discharge Permit 815 Hastings Road, Hawera Inaha
23-11143-1.0 R2/11143-1.0 Wind Quarry Zealandia Ltd 15-Aug-23 New consent
To occupy the seabed to construct, operate and maintain
an offshore wind electricity generation facility within the
South Taranaki Bight Coastal Permit
In the waters of the South Taranaki Bight between
approximately 5 nautical miles and 12 nautical
miles offshore
23-11143-1.0 R2/11144-1.0 Wind Quarry Zealandia Ltd 15-Aug-23 New consent