Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4949 results.


Silent File Contact Council for more information Onaero River The Onaero River was important to Ngāti Uenuku (also known as Ngāti Tupawhenua). Kaitangata also has a strong association with the Onaero River. The Onaero River and its banks have been occupied by the tupuna of Ngāti Mutunga since before the arrival of the Tokomaru and Tahatuna waka. Ngāti Mutunga people have used the Onaero River to access wāhi tapu along its banks. Puketapu and Pukemiro pā are

Radiata pine

processes. Radiata pine is a very versatile and durable material, and given appropriate treatment is suitable for a wide range of exterior and internal use. Forest grazing – modifying a forestry regime to enable understorey grazing For further advice or information contact: The Land Management Section at Taranaki Regional Council, Private Bag 713 Stratford Ph: 06 765 7127 Fax: 06 765 5097 Introduction Radiata pine is a major contributor to the New Zealand economy. Forest plantations of the

January 2022 rainfall maps

page Provisional data onlyRegional Council Taranaki Total monthly rainfall (mm) xxx yy% KEY % of average rainfallmonthly xxx yy % NEW PLYMOUTH H WERAĀ ŌPUNAKE ELTHAM Kaka Rd P teaā K tareō Motunui Brooklands Inglewood Pohokura SaddleNorth Egmont Stratford Huinga Cape Egmont Dawson Falls Glenn Rd Whareroa Rimunui January 2220 Rainfall 8%11 15%21 9%8 12%10 16%21 16%19 17%68 13%14 22%18 19%18 16%52

Appendix 10: Statutory acknowledgements

(c) statutory acknowledgements do not affect the lawful rights or interests of a person who is not a party to the deed of settlement or have the effect of granting, creating or providing evidence of an estate or interest in, or any rights relating to a statutory area. Attachment of statutory acknowledgements in accordance with iwi deeds of settlement relating to the Taranaki region To date, seven statutory acknowledgements apply to the Taranaki region – these relate to

Applications received 18 December 2023 to 7 January 2024

21-Dec-23 New consent To discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks during the construction of the Oru wellsite onto and into land in circumstances where it may enter water Discharge Permit 495 Wingrove Road, Pukengahu Patea 24-00316-4.1 R2/0316-4.1 Poole Brothers Limited 03-Jan-24 Change of consent conditions To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land...change of consent conditions to increase number of cows Discharge Permit 1251 Manaia Road, Kaponga Kaupokonui 24-03129-3.0

Resource consent applications 26 July to 1 August 2021

page Application Number Applicant Lodged Date Type of application Description Activity Type Site Location Catchment 21-02747-3.0 Othmar & Marlies Hebler (Farm) Limited 26-Jul-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit McKenna Road, Patea Kaikura 21-10947-1.0 South Taranaki District Council 27-Jul-21 New consent To discharge stormwater into the coastal marine area Coastal Permit 288 to 304 Tai Road, Opunake Tasman Sea

Subs 211 310 web

the priority is for the community and for ratepayer expenditure is in a community sport facility (looking at the possibilities of developing the inner race track) which would enable thousands of residents to benefit from. Local Government Funding Agency Scheme Tick if you also wish to submit on the Council's proposal to join the Local Government Funding Agency Scheme No Are you in favour Ordinary Meeting to hear submissions on the 2019/2020 Plan - List of Submissions

CItylink New Plymouth urban bus routes

E S S S T TO NEW PLYMOUTH Waitara ROUTE 20 am start PARKLANDS AVE M A N G A T I R D MURRAY ST KEY Route 20 to NP Route 20 to Waitara Route 11 Saturday A B TO WAITARA TO NEW PLYMOUTH Bell Block ROUTE 20 TaranakiPublicTransportPh 0800 87 22 87 Citylink is operated by Tranzit Coachlines, with the support of Taranaki Regional Council, assisted by New Plymouth District Council. Free bus travel for

15Furtherinformation AppendixK

Condition 16 Any new groundwater monitoring wells required by condition 14 shall be installed to the following standards; a) Prior to installation of any new wells, confirmed NZTM GPS locations shall be provided to Council for approval. b) All new wells shall be at least 25 metres from any water way (unless otherwise authorised by a separate consent) and be accessible by vehicle; c) All new wells shall be installed by a qualified driller and designed to encounter groundwater and

TEMO Business Continuity Plan template form

For more information visit: This template was made by the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO) and reproduced by the Taranaki Emergency Management Office (TEMO) with permission. TEMO’s role is to lead and coordinate the effective delivery of Civil Defence Emergency Management for the Taranaki Region. If you would like more assistance with business continuity planning please get in touch with us: | 0800 900 049