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Schedule I: Coastal Management Areas

page 103 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 1 – Coas t a l m ana gem ent a reas Schedule 1 – Coastal Management Areas The coastal marine area has been divided into five Coastal Management Areas. Outstanding value 1) Estuaries unmodified 2) Estuaries modified 3) Open Coast - the area of the CMA not covered by the other management areas. 4) Port 5) page 1 0 4 C O A S T A L P L A N F O R

Appendix X - sampling data summaries

Nitrite/ Nitrate nitrogen 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 23 /02 /19 23 /08 /19 Total Disolved Solids 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 23 /02 /19 23 /08 /19 PH page Below the Main Composting Pad - Duckpond HHG 97 HHG 93 Above the Main Composting Pad Above the Wetland HHG 103Surfacewater Sampling up to: May 2020 HHG 115 Upstream of SH3 Bridge HHG 190 Below the