Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4948 results.

Draft Coastal Plan for Taranaki - Main body

page Regional Council Taranaki Coastal AUGUST 2016 plan for Taranaki page page i CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I Vision Taranaki tangata tūtahi ki te uru Taranaki people standing as one on the west Broader understanding of the statement: In this vision statement, ‘Taranaki’ refers to the people, the mountain, the land and the region. The words ‘tūtahi’ refers to standing together, as one people, cohesively for a specific

Council meeting agenda May 2020

That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in via zoom on Tuesday 7 April 2020. Matters arising Appendices/Attachments Document 2466927: Minutes Ordinary Meeting - 7 April 2020 Ordinary Meeting - Confirmation of Minutes 5 page Date 7 April 2020, 10.30am Venue: Meeting held via audio-visual conferencing (Zoom) Document: …

Regional Cleanfill Round Annual Report 2023-2024

TRCID-176456519-99 (Word) Document: TRCID-1188382587-469 (Pdf) March 2025 page page Executive summary Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) implements a co-ordinated monitoring programme for a number of cleanfill operators within the Taranaki region. This programme covers cleanfills operated by AA Contracting Ltd (AA Contracting), A & A George Family Trust (George Family), BJ & LB Bishop (Bishop), Gas and Plumbing Ltd (Gas and Plumbing), Taranaki Civil

2019 Candidate Information Handbook - Taranaki Regional Council

… page 2019 CANDIDATE INFORMATION HANDBOOK TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL LOCAL ELECTIONS C andidate Inform ation H andbook Taranaki Regional Council June 2019 page Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this handbook is accurate and consistent with the Local Electoral Act 2001. Taranaki Regional Council takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. It is recommended that candidates obtain a full copy of the Act, which

Regional landscape study of the Taranaki coastal environment

page Regional landscape study of the Taranaki coastal environment Review of the Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 November 2015 Document: 1526678 page page i

SH3 Working Party Booklet 2024

page 1 FOREWORD Taranaki Regional Council established the State Highway 3 Working Party in 2002 in response to ongoing concerns about the route security, safety and efficiency of the section of State Highway 3 (SH3) between Taranaki and Waikato. In particular, there has been a focus on the section of SH3 between Piopio and New Plymouth. For some years this section of the state highway network has been of considerable concern to local Taranaki and Waikato

Winter weather delays completion of West Stand's new roof

Taranaki rugby fans are counting down to the reopening of the iconic Yarrow Stadium when the Yarrows Taranaki Bulls return home on 3 September. The international-quality hybrid turf will be ready for the action under the new eco-friendly LED lights but delays to the construction project mean the roof of the West Stand won’t be completed until later this year, and there will be no covered seating available during 2022. Mike Nield, Director-Corporate Services at Taranaki Regional Council which

Introduction and explanation of the regional rules updated Oct 2023

or premises must be complied with. Notification The Taranaki Regional Council may process a resource consent application for a discharge permit as a notified application, limited notified, or as a non- notified application. The Council’s powers are set out in Sections 95A and 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991. The test to be applied by the Council will depend on whether the proposed activity is a controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary or non-complying activity.

Annual Plan 2017/2018 Consultation Document

page What we do 1 Taranaki Regional Council 2017/2018 Annual Plan Consultation Document Seizing new opportunities Two years ago we consulted widely on a 10-year plan to take us through to 2025. We’re still on track with this long-term plan, but we want to consult you about changes to three of our programmes in the 2017/2018 financial year. Specifically, what we’re proposing is:  An exciting and potentially game-changing trial of enhanced