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Annual report 2013-2014

any visual effects on water quality. There was no flaring at the time of inspection. 7 November 2013 The site was neat and tidy. No flaring was occurring at the time of inspection. The ring drains and bunds were clear of obstructions and contaminants. The skimmer pits were page 12 clear with no visible effects from any discharges to the adjacent stream. Everything was satisfactory. 9 January 2014 Inspection was undertaken during heavy rainfall resulting in

Colson Rd Landfill consent monitoring 2019-2020

48 mm of rainfall recorded at the Hillsborough monitoring station in the seven days prior to the inspection. There were no off-site odours or dust issues observed prior to going on site. Very little refuse was noted on Colson Road between the transfer station and the landfill gates. The culvert grate at the inlet to the SPCA driveway culvert was clear with a moderate, slightly cloudy, flow in the main branch of the stream. No scums, sheens or debris were present. The side tributary that …

C D Boyd Drilling Waste and Stockpiling Landfarm and Landspreading Annual Report 2020-2021

this recognised ecosystem had been taken into account in the setting of buffer distances and location of the stockpiling facilities. The predominant soil type has been identified as gravelly sand and vegetation growth consists of native bush which transitions into pasture. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,942 mm (taken from the nearby ‘Stratford’ monitoring station). The stockpiling facility located at Surrey Road is operated under one consent (7559-1.4). This consent allows

Remediation NZ consent conditions offered post-hearing

sediment and/or sludge will be managed within the pond treatment systems, ii. how the level of build-up will be monitored including factors that will trigger active management, and the frequency of undertaking the identified measures or procedures; iii. how available storage in the Pond Treatment System will be managed to ensure there is capacity during rainfall events. 22 The Wetland Treatment System must be managed to ensure that the discharge from the system will achieve compliance

Annual report 2016-2017

alternating layers of sand and clays. Bore construction also revealed localised peat layers within some augured cores (approximately 4–8 m below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm (taken from the nearby Patea monitoring station). Origin Energy Ltd’s Kauri D wellsite is situated in the eastern corner of the site, and there is a small coastal lake inland and to the northeast (up gradient) of the storage pit area. Both of these features are presented in Figure 1. Figure

Annual report 2012-2013

dune sands. Pit construction revealed mostly tightly packed sand at the pit bases (approximately 4-5 m below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1023 mm (taken from the nearby ‘Duffy’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal sites, the Remediation site is subject to strong winds. Site data Location Word descriptor: Manawapou Road, Manutahi, Taranaki Map reference: E 1717244 (NZTM) N 5608736 Mean annual rainfall:

Annual repor 2012-2013

significant rainfall for some time. The skimmer pits were discharging with no effects noted downstream of the main discharge point. No flaring or odours were noted at the time of inspection. Everything was satisfactory. page 11 14 May 2013 The site was neat and tidy. Ring drains and bunds were clear. The skimmer pits were clear of debris following high winds in the weekend. The discharge was not causing any visual impact in the receiving waters. No flaring was occurring.

Pātea Beach green waste monitoring 2017-2018

environmental effects if it was buried with the green waste rather than being removed. During the year under review no unacceptable material was dumped at the Patea Beach green waste discharge site. There has been no leachate observed discharging from the sand dune area or the stockpiled green waste during the period under review, or in previous years. These factors, combined with the sandy substrate and low rainfall at the beach would be restricting the production of leachate from the green waste.

Annual Report 2016-2017

treatment chemicals) Conductivity Conductivity, an indication of the level of dissolved salts in a sample, usually measured at 20°C and expressed in mS/m Cr Chromium Cu* Copper Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L). In water, this is also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but the same does not apply to gaseous mixtures Incident Register A register containing a list of events