Council news

The latest news releases from Taranaki Regional Council.

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Search to Find Taranaki Environmental Heroes

FB EAward hero tile 1200px 896x616

Tue 02 Aug 2022 3:40pm

Nominations are now open for the annual Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Awards, which celebrate the secret superheroes in our midst.

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Mapping the world under our feet - soil survey to start

S Map Taranaki

Fri 29 Jul 2022 9:40am

Work to understand the characteristics of Taranaki’s soil will get underway next month with a detailed survey.

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Cleaner, greener fleet just the start for Taranaki Regional Council

rsz 1mike nield with trc hybrid

Thu 28 Jul 2022 4:00pm

An upgrade of Taranaki Regional Council's fleet will be just the start when it comes to future sustainable initiatives within Council.

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Push to keep unwanted visitors out

Sea Spurge web

Mon 25 Jul 2022

Stopping the next pest from getting into Taranaki is the goal of a new initiative that aims to bring biosecurity to the forefront of people’s minds.

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Yarrow Stadium’s new East Stand design revealed as project’s budget updated

Yarrow Stadium East Stand final resized website

Tue 12 Jul 2022 2:00pm

A first look at Yarrow Stadium’s new East Stand has been revealed with the release of an artist’s impression of the design.

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Our Place: Taranaki State of Environment 2022

SOE cover image

Tue 28 Jun 2022 12:00pm

Taranaki can be proud of many aspects of its environment however significant challenges lie ahead.

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The right time to get your hands dirty

Brennan and kids planting web

Mon 27 Jun 2022

It’s often said the key to successful planting is to put the right plant in the right place, at the right time.

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Garden Leader to Leave Lasting Legacy

Greg Rine Pukeiti

Fri 17 Jun 2022

Greg Rine is hanging up his secateurs after decades turning his visions into reality at Taranaki’s renowned regional gardens.

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