While Taranaki escaped the deluges brought by Cyclone Gabrielle as it hit the East Coast of the North Island, February was still a wet month for the region.

Rainfall was on average 140.4% of the long-term average, and ranged from 81% at Waiwhakaiho at Hillsborough to 257% at Omaru at Charlies. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 111% (Stony at Mangatete Bridge) and 334% (Whanganui at Mataimona Trig) with an average of 160.4% of normal. Compared to typical full year totals, sites have already received 17.6% of a typical year’s rainfall.
Mean river flows for February were 138.8% of typical values, low flows were 332.5%, and high flows 137.3%, of typical values while mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 17.4ºC, an average of -0.9ºC different to long-term February values. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 18ºC, which is - 0.3ºC relative to long-term February averages.
February 2023 rainfall maps
What you should know:
The site maps show data from a selection of the sites we monitor, but not all of them.
The distribution maps are based on mathematical modelling and may not accurately represent actual rainfall in some unmonitored areas.
Click on each map for larger version.