Your search for 'broom' returned 72 results.

Annual report 2016-2017

Port Taranaki Industries consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017

Annual report 2014-2015

Port Taranaki industries consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Regional Transport Committee Agenda August 2022

Steve Broome STDC Vincent Lim STDC 1. Welcome and apologies • Apologies were received from: Sarah Downs (latter half of meeting), Steve Broome and Vincent Lim. 2. Minutes of last meeting on 11 May 2022 Matters arising: • Item 4 – Due to being behind schedule the update has been deferred. Lisa Malde will provide updates at RTAG meetings as they occur. • Item 5 – The workshop that was discussed in the previous meeting has been deferred to 2023 due to higher priority

Proposal to include mustelids in Pest Management Plan

manicata, Gunnera tinctoria Sustained control √ XYZ Gorse Ulex europeaus Sustained control √ XYZ Nodding, Plumeless and Variegated thistles Carduus nutans, C. acanthoides, Silybum marianum Sustained control √ XYZ Old man’s beard Clematis vitalba Sustained control √ XYZ Wild broom Cytisus scoparius Sustained control √ XYZ Wild ginger (Kahili and Yellow) Hedychium gardnerianum, Hedychium flavescens Sustained control √ XYZ Yellow ragwort Jacobaea vulgaris Sustained control √ XYZ

Trees for the environment study unit

(kauri) 6. I grow tall and thin with sword-like leathery leaves up high. (lancewood) 7. I have very small leaves and small white flowers. People have used me for firewood, brooms and brewing tea. (manuka). page Trees for the environment Taranaki Regional Council Tree Unit 11 Study 1 How trees live and breathe Trees and animals have a wonderful relationship. We need them and they need us. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Trees make