sections measuring 15m by 15m. This has reduced the area captured by the regulations to 5.2m hectares from the original 8.2m hectares. While Council officers support the change of methodology, they have not thoroughly tested the result so its integrity cannot yet be judged. Proposed changes to the low slope map Ngāti Maru settlement legislation welcomedNew legislation to implement the Ngāti Maru Treaty of Waitangi settlement includes provisions for an agreement between the iwi and the Council to work
After applicants have checked the Taranaki Regional Council’s plans and policy statements for an overview of the rules and resource management issues they need to find out which tāngata whenua groups might be affected by their proposed activity. When the relevant tāngata whenua groups have been identified it’s important to check whether those groups have a hapū and iwi management plan in place, and if so read it. These planning documents describe the resource management issues of most
earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Southern Hill Country FMU. Southern Hill Country Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the targets the Council develops in the Natural Resources Plan. The feedback will run in March to April 2024. For further information, see the
feedback gathered from earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Coastal Terraces FMU. Coastal Terraces Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the targets the Council develops in the Natural Resources Plan. The feedback will run in March to April 2024. For further
iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Pātea Catchment FMU. Pātea Catchment Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the targets the Council develops in the Natural Resources Plan. The feedback will run in March to April 2024. For further information, see the Technical Memorandum documents which
feedback will guide targets, limits and rules in the new Natural Resources Plan to ensure freshwater is managed effectively for the whole community. The Council sought community feedback on the Northern Hill Country FMU as part of its Next Steps for Our Freshwater community conversation from September to October 2023 and produced a consultation document which contained options informed by feedback gathered from earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a
rules in the new Natural Resources Plan to ensure freshwater is managed effectively for the whole community. The Council sought community feedback on the Volcanic Ring Plain FMU as part of its Next Steps for Our Freshwater community conversation from September to October 2023 and produced a consultation document which contained options informed by feedback gathered from earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the
basis of discussions with iwi o Taranaki relating to the development of tangata whenua principles and values of relevance to resource management matters and for inclusion in the the Council's resource management plans. TRC Cultural Framework - final draft (1008 KB pdf) (single document only) TRC Cultural Framework - final draft (1008 KB pdf)
Contact Rangiatea Marae Location
131 South Road, Spotswood Iwi
Te Atiawa Member hapū
Not known Contact
Michelle Kawana
Phone: 06 751 4038 View on Google maps Te Atiawa marae Manukorihi Pā / Owae Marae Kairau Marae Muru-Raupatu Marae Rangiatea Marae Otaraua Marae
Contact Manutahi Marae Location
174 Taumaha Road Iwi
Pakakohi Member Hapū
Ngāti Takou Contact
Andrew Kahu
Address: 174 Taumaha Road , Manutahi View on Google maps Ngāti Ruanui marae Ngarongo Marae Wharepuni Marae Taiporohenui Marae Pariroa Marae Manutahi Marae Meremere Marae Ngatiki Marae Whakaahurangi Marae