community conversation from September to October 2023 and produced a consultation document which contained options informed by feedback gathered from earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Waitara Catchment FMU. Waitara Catchment Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the
For a unified Maniapoto Iwi achieving cultural and social wellbeing, environmental sustainability and economic growth. Contact Ngāti Maniapoto Authorised voiceTe Nehenehenui (TNN) Invoices/accounts queries General queries Location
49 Taupiri St, Te Kuiti 3910 Postal address
PO Box 36, Te Kuiti 3941 Website link) Maniapoto Rohe Map link) Chairperson
Bella Takiari Brame Chief
also identified a sewage contamination issue which the New Plymouth District Council is investigating and working to resolve in consultation with TRC, Ngāti Mutunga and the Taranaki District Health Board. There has been good community engagement in the project and the good working relationship developed between the Council and Ngāti Mutanga is viewed as a highlight on both sides. Te Āhua o ngā Kūrei (Curious Minds website) Iwi steps up with environmental guideTe Atiawa’s stance on the environment
Ngāti Mutunga is one of eight generally recognised iwi of Taranaki. Mutunga is acknowledged by Ngāti Mutunga as the paramount and principal identifying ancestor from which ngā uri o ngā tūpuna o Ngāti Mutunga can trace descent. Ngāti Mutunga is located in northern Taranaki. *Wording taken from the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Ngāti Mutunga summary. Contact Ngāti Mutunga Authorised voiceTe Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Website: link) Location
6 Ngakoti Street,
Contact Orimupiko Marae Location
3611 Eltham Road, Opunake Postal address
PO Box 83, Opunake Bookings: Joan Tapiki
Phone: 06 761 8669 or 027 383 5607 Chairperson
Tapakione Skinner
Phone: 027 210 1236
email: Secretary Chris Commane
email: Treasurer Jennifer Jones
Phone: 027 383 5607
email: View in Google maps Related organisation / Komiti Orimupiko Reserve Trust Secretary
Chris Commane Chairperson
Tapakione Skinner Taranaki Iwi
Contact Te Paepae o Te Raukura - Takitūtū Location
Mid Parihaka Road, Pungarehu Postal address
PO Box 786, New Plymouth Bookings: Hilda Ngaia
Phone: 06 763 8844 Chair
Ruakere Hond
Phone: 021 736 256 email: Secretary
Aroaro Tamati
Phone: 027 201 9697
email: View on Google maps Related organisation / Komiti Te Paepae o Te Raukura Meeting House Chairperson
Ruakere Hond Secretary
Aroaro Tamati Taranaki Iwi marae Oākura Pā - Okorotua Marae Puniho Pā -
wellbeing of our land or whenua lies at the core of everything the Council does. Working alongside industries, farmers, iwi and communities, our programmes are designed to not only care for our land today but to leave it in a better state for future generations. The sustainable use, development and protection of our land is crucial to a strong regional economy, while a healthy environment is what makes Taranaki an enviable place to live, work and play. For Māori, earth mother Papatūānuku is the source
wellbeing of our land or whenua lies at the core of everything the Council does. Working alongside industries, farmers, iwi and communities, our programmes are designed to not only care for our land today but to leave it in a better state for future generations. The sustainable use, development and protection of our land is crucial to a strong regional economy, while a healthy environment is what makes Taranaki an enviable place to live, work and play. For Māori, earth mother Papatūānuku is the source
Kaimoana Survey
Guidelines for
Hapü and Iwi
Otaraua Hapü prepared these Kaimoana Survey Guidelines for Hapü and Iwi
in partnership with Shell Petroleum Mining Ltd. The Ministry for the
Environment has provided support to facilitate the accessibility and
widespread implementation of these guidelines to hapü and iwi.
The guidelines have been developed in the main from lessons learned on
a kaimoana survey undertaken in North