this Council under various legislative frameworks
including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act
1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s
policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes
(schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-term
… corporates
to farmers to community groups to iwi and hapū to schools. These awards are an
opportunity to celebrate this effort.
I'm very pleased to welcome back our category sponsors, whose support allows us
to celebrate these awards in fitting style.
Regional Council
Welcome to the 2016 Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Awards.
These are the 24th annual awards since the Council first started this
programme back in 1993.
Tonight we're making 15 awards. But
Ngāti Hine Waiatarua, Ngāti Ruaiti, and Ngāti Maika gathered food
according to the values of Ngā Raurutanga and kawa along the coast from Waipipi to Mowhanau and the Kai
Iwi stream.
Tamareheroto (Ngāti Pukeko and Ngāti Iti) exercised food gathering according to the values of Ngā
Raurutanga and kawa along the coast from the Okehu stream to the mouth of the Whanganui River, including
from the fishing station of Kaihau a Kupe (at the mouth of the Whanganui River). Ngā Kaainga at Kaihau a
32AA eva lua t ion
Issue/theme Options Section 32AA evaluation Conclusion
No additional costs. Reduced costs on consent applicants as there are less
sites of significance identified and there is no policy requirement to protect
species specifically of value to Māori.
Option 2: To include:
A new Policy 14B to provide policy direction to protect
taonga species identified through iwi deeds of settlement
and scheduled in the Plan (Schedule 4C).
New permitted and
ready to be constructed
within a maximum of 12 months (30 May 2021).
Location: Brecon Road, Stratford
Scope and duration: 2020/21 — Detailed Design, Iwi Consultation, Resource
Consent approval.
2021/22 to 2023/24 — Construction
Estimated cost/s: $11,500,000
Funding source/s: Crown Infrastructure Partners (C Funds) and SDC (L Funds)
Links to Objectives &
Policies of RLTP:
Refer to Table 2 on page 42 of the Plan
This project aligns well to the strategic priorities
G K Bedford Director – Environment Quality
A D McLay Director – Resource Management
S Tamarapa Iwi Communications Officer
C Spurdle Planning Manager
P Ledingham Communications Adviser
T K Davey Communications Adviser
Ms G Marcroft Policy Analyst
Miss L Davidson Committee Administrator
Three members of the media, Mr M Watson, Taranaki Daily News, Mr R
Martin, Radio New Zealand and Mr B Vickery, Hokonui Taranaki.
Twelve members of the public. …
speed limit was made a consistent 80km/h.
Investigative and early design works identified some challenges
associated with the initial designs for the intersection
improvements, including significant stormwater, land and
funding requirements.
On discovering it would take several years to progress the
original roundabout concept designs to construction, we worked
with New Plymouth District Council and iwi to refine the designs.
The refined roundabout concepts are slightly reduced in
and Forestry, iwi and other relevant agencies, groups and
individuals regarding indigenous biodiversity issues;
(b) encouraging and facilitating, when appropriate, the development of
joint databases and information systems and make available and
exchange technical information and advice; and
(c) undertaking joint initiatives where and when appropriate.
cultural and economic values held by iwi and the community. The concept is
expressed in Te Reo Māori, but applies to freshwater management for and on behalf of the whole
As discussed above, the Haehanga Stream has been degraded over time by the clearance of
indigenous vegetation and subsequent grazing and farming practices. The completion of the riparian
fencing and planting along the banks of the Haehanga Stream that will occur as part of the subject
application will help to
This gives fresh impetus to ongoing Iwi-Council
discussions in Taranaki to find a meaningful and
workable framework for iwi participation in
freshwater management. The path ahead is both
exciting and challenging. We’ll see changes in
decision-making processes and the development
of extra monitoring methods based on
matauranga Maori. Other possibilities will
become apparent as discussions continue.
We cannot and should not opt out of this new
journey. The …