Zealand study to examine the combined
ecological effects of minimum flows and allocation limits both on benthic invertebrates and fish populations
(Jowett, 2019). For context, Jowett also assessed the impacts of a range of potential combinations of minimum
flow and allocation limits on water users, based on the number of days restrictions to takes would occur
under various scenarios.
The report and its finding were presented to a range of stakeholders, iwi and the regional Wai Māori Working
Zealand Yes 06 757 9676 272639152 AStancliff@fishandgame.org.nz
Paddy Walsh
Opunake angling &
Surfcasting Club Yes 272305820 paddy@actionaki.co.nz
Leanne Horo
Taranaki Iwi - Authorised
voice of Te Kāhui o Taranaki
TBC 06 763
8242 274988746 admin@taranaki.iwi.nz
Nigel Robinson Landowner Yes
274756073 elite.fs@xtra.co.nz
Heather Sharpe Landowner Yes 211311961
Rex Langton Opunake Lions Club Yes
276527271 randllangton@xtra.co.nz
8.2 Detail the
Brent Manning STDC - Engineer TBC 06 278 0555 Brent.Manning@STDC.govt.nz
Nikki Palmer Department of Conservation TBC
Allen Stancliff Fish and Game New Zealand Yes 06 757 9676 272639152 AStancliff@fishandgame.org.nz
Paddy Walsh
Opunake angling &
Surfcasting Club Yes 272305820 paddy@actionaki.co.nz
Leanne Horo
Taranaki Iwi - Authorised
voice of Te Kāhui o Taranaki
TBC 06 763
8242 274988746 admin@taranaki.iwi.nz
Manning STDC - Engineer TBC 06 278 0555 Brent.Manning@STDC.govt.nz
Nikki Palmer Department of Conservation TBC npalmer@doc.govt.nz
Allen Stancliff Fish and Game New Zealand Yes 06 757 9676 272639152 AStancliff@fishandgame.org.nz
Paddy Walsh
Opunake angling &
Surfcasting Club Yes
272305820 paddy@actionaki.co.nz
Leanne Horo
Taranaki Iwi - Authorised
voice of Te Kāhui o Taranaki
TBC 06 763
8242 274988746 admin@taranaki.iwi.nz
Nigel Robinson Landowner
Palmer Department of Conservation TBC
Allen Stancliff Fish and Game New Zealand Yes 06 757 9676 272639152 AStancliff@fishandgame.org.nz
Paddy Walsh
Opunake angling &
Surfcasting Club Yes 272305820 paddy@actionaki.co.nz
Leanne Horo
Taranaki Iwi - Authorised
voice of Te Kāhui o Taranaki
TBC 06 763
8242 274988746 admin@taranaki.iwi.nz
Nigel Robinson Landowner Yes 274756073 elite.fs@xtra.co.nz
Heather Sharpe Landowner Yes
information and returning the application.
All collection costs incurred in the recovery of a debt will be added to the invoice amount due. Overdue
invoices will incur an interest charge of 12% per annum.
Details of Council’s charging policy are in its 2015/2025 Long-Term Plan.
In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their
07/19 -
with Puna Wano-Bryant of Taranaki iwi. We have agreed to present Taranaki iwi with a range of
flow scenarios, with additional detail on how they impact on the various values associated with the scheme. This
includes how the Waiaua River and its biological communities are likely to be impacted. This will enable Taranaki
to provide us with their understanding of how each scenario affects the cultural values. This is something only
Taranaki can do, and as such we are unable to provide this
STOS assessment of environmental effects - hydraulic fracturing, Kapuni 2012
campaigning/marketing – education and awareness based on priority species and ecosystems,
good news stories
5 Schools, industry, local events
5 Multi-win situations, integrated outcomes – including biodiversity, cultural, economic
5 Annual forum workshop with training and tools
5 Walk the rivers – bring different groups, sectors, iwi together
5 Social media – focus on the young people
5 Use existing community support for greater impact e.g. Mounga to Moana through Oakura
5 Business and
If yes, please provide details of who issued consent and the consent number:
Is the area legally protected?
If yes, please describe how:
If no, what impediments are there to legal protection:
eg. QEII, DC or DOC reserve, Ng Whenua R huiā ā
Conservation plan Riparian plan Farm plan
No. No. No.
Biodiversity plan
If yes, please describe:
Have you consulted with anyone else regarding the proposed work?