climate change programme. It will
also provide high-quality advice and guidance to all levels of the organisation to empower the
integration of climate change considerations across the Council.
The role will have a strong focus on working with stakeholders to drive regional action on climate
change adaptation. This will require working closely with the region’s district councils, iwi and
hapū, and communities to support our collective climate change efforts.
Role dimensions | Te
Representative Mr M Ritai Iwi Representative
Members Ms E Bailey Iwi Representative via Zoom
Attending M J Nield Director – Corporate Services
G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality
A D McLay Director – Resource Management
C McLellan Consents Manager
B Pope Compliance Manager
Ms V McKay Science Manager – Biology
Mr P Ledingham Communications Adviser
Miss L Davidson Committee Administrator
One member of the media and four members of the
items have been completed.
3.12 Mr T Velvin highlighted a risk around recovery manager depth and the current
across roles with fatigue across councils and businesses advising that we are
likely to see change within the depth of statutory roles.
3.13 Mayor P Nixon, congratulated TEMO on the Taranaki model being singled out
nationally as a stand out District Health Board and additionally, the efforts of iwi
during difficult periods to ensure the community is looked after.
3.14 Mr T
Building relationships • Contribute toward our valued relationship with Ngā Iwi o
Taranaki. To demonstrate our Council’s commitment to recognise
and provide for the kaitiaki responsibility Ngā Iwi o Taranaki has
for the natural environment. This will include sharing of
knowledge and information, creating opportunities for increased
participation in decision making processes, effective engagement
and development of existing working relationships.
which impact on policy development and advice provided.
• Work with Ngā iwi o Taranaki to ensure processes for policy
development are developed and implemented in partnership with mana
whenua and incorporate Mātauranga Māori and mana whenua values.
• Actively seek and deliver on joint priorities with mana whenua which
support better outcomes for Māori.
• Represent the Resource Management Directorate
Methods of implementation ........................................................................................................30
Environmental results anticipated .............................................................................................30
4 Tangata Whenua 31
Issue: Recognising and providing for the relationship of Tangata Whenua
and iwi and hapu of Taranaki and their culture tapu and traditions with
their water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga
Date: 30 April 2024
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3269783
Present: S W Hughes Chair
M J Cloke
D M Cram
M G Davey
B J Bigham (zoom)
D L Lean (zoom)
C L Littlewood ex officio
N W Walker ex officio
Ā White Iwi Representative
R Buttimore Iwi Representative
P Muir Federated Farmers
D H McIntyre (Joined meeting at 10.02am)
Attending: S J Ruru Chief Executive (joined
Bill (NBE Bill) submission.
8.2 Councillor Williamson updated Council on the input and feedback from Iwi
Representatives which lead to the required changes to the Spatial Planning Bill (SP Bill)
and Natural Built Environment Bill (NBE Bill) submission.
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) received this memorandum Submission on Natural and Built Environment Bill and
Spatial Planning Bill
b) approved the Submission on Natural and Built Environment Bill and
Date 22 November 2022, 10.30am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3124846
Members Councillor S W Hughes Chairperson
D M Cram Deputy Chairperson
M J Cloke
B J Bigham Via Zoom
M G Davey
D H McIntyre
D L Lean Via Zoom
N W Walker ex officio
C L Littlewood ex officio
Members Mr D Luke Iwi Representative
Attending Mr S J Ruru Chief
and should it be expanded to include that it can be an
appointed delegate of the Chief Executive of one of the four local authorities.
7.3 Further clarification from the Committee was requested surrounding page 58, section
relating to “Voting” particularly around “Members are to vote in accordance with
their role (e.g. Representative of a Council, Representative of an Iwi or Chair of an
Advisory Group).” And what impacts that would having on balancing the voting