Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.


Contact Kaipo Marae Location Waitotara Valley Road, Waitotara Postal address PO Box 83, Waitotara Iwi Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Member Hapū Ngaati Hou Tipua Secretary: Karen McGregor email: View on Google maps Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi marae Te Wai-o-Turi Whenuakura Te Ihupuku Kaipo Waipapa Takirau Tauranga-a-Ika Te Wairoa-Iti Pakaraka (Maxwell*) (Ngati Maika Hapu) Kai Iwi (Kai Iwi*) (Ngati Pukeko Hapu) Te Aroha (Kai Iwi*) Taipake (Kai Iwi*) (Ngati Iti Hapu) * Outside Council Boundary

Te Wai-o-Turi

Contact Te Wai-o-Turi Marae Location Lower Kaharoa Road, Patea Iwi Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Member Hapū Ngaati Hine Pukorokoro Rangitawhi Kairakau Manaia Ngaati Maika I Chair: Archie Hurunui email: View on Google maps Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi marae Te Wai-o-Turi Whenuakura Te Ihupuku Kaipo Waipapa Takirau Tauranga-a-Ika Te Wairoa-Iti Pakaraka (Maxwell*) (Ngati Maika Hapu) Kai Iwi (Kai Iwi*) (Ngati Pukeko Hapu) Te Aroha (Kai Iwi*) Taipake (Kai Iwi*) (Ngati Iti Hapu) * Outside

Wharepuni Marae

Contact Wharepuni Marae Location Fraser Road, Hawera Postal address PO Box 536, Hawera Phone: 06 272 9042 Iwi Ngāti Ruanui Member Hapū Ngati Tupaea Ngati Tanewai Contact link) Chair – Caroline Waiwiri Secretary – Shauni Hikaka Treasurer – Terry Hikaka View on Google maps Ngāti Ruanui marae Ngarongo Marae Wharepuni Marae Taiporohenui Marae Pariroa Marae Manutahi Marae Meremere Marae Ngatiki Marae Whakaahurangi Marae

Realignment of streams may result in prosecution, Council warns

contaminant) into the water, disturbing and reclaiming the beds of rivers and diverting and damming water. An investigation was launched in September 2022 after the Council received a complaint from the public about work being carried out on the Waikirikiri Stream and a tributary of that stream. Taranaki Iwi were also very concerned about the works. Council officers found that a 420 metre drainage channel directed the stream around the farm and a 23m earth dam had been constructed within the stream to

Coastal & marine

structure maintenance guidance for blue penguin (3.3 MB PDF) Kaimoana survey guidelines for hapu & iwi These guidelines provide hapu and iwi with information and a suggested process for undertaking a survey of kaimoana (seafood) resources. The guidelines were prepared by Otaraua Hapu in partnership with Shell Petroleum Mining Ltd and were published by the Ministry for the Environment. Also included here is further information about a North Taranaki kaimoana survey in 2000-2001, and downloadable template

Ngarongo Marae

Contact Ngarongo Marae Location Ketemarae Road, Normanby Iwi Ngāti Ruanui Member Hapū Araukūku Chairperson Clive Tonga-Awhikau Address: 18 Rahiri St, Waitara email: View on Google maps Ngāti Ruanui marae Ngarongo Marae Wharepuni Marae Taiporohenui Marae Pariroa Marae Manutahi Marae Meremere Marae Ngatiki Marae Whakaahurangi Marae

Freshwater research & reviews

basis of discussions with iwi o Taranaki relating to the development of tangata whenua principles and values of relevance to resource management matters and for inclusion in the the Council's resource management plans. TRC Cultural Framework - final draft (1008 KB pdf) (single document only) TRC Cultural Framework - final draft (1008 KB pdf)

Southern Hill Country FMU

earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Southern Hill Country FMU. Southern Hill Country Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the targets the Council develops in the Natural Resources Plan. The feedback will run in March to April 2024. For further information, see the

Coastal Terraces FMU

feedback gathered from earlier conversations with iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Coastal Terraces FMU. Coastal Terraces Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the targets the Council develops in the Natural Resources Plan. The feedback will run in March to April 2024. For further

Pātea Catchment FMU

iwi and the community. This document is below and provides a wealth of background information about the Pātea Catchment FMU. Pātea Catchment Consultation DocumentThe Council's next community consultation will be asking for your views on specific limits and targets across the six FMUs. This will be key as it will define the targets the Council develops in the Natural Resources Plan. The feedback will run in March to April 2024. For further information, see the Technical Memorandum documents which