Councillor E D Van Der Leden
Councillor M P Joyce ex officio
Members Councillor S Hitchcock New Plymouth District Council
Councillor C Young South Taranaki District Council
Councillor G Boyde Stratford District Council
Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative zoom
Ms L Tester Iwi Representative
Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative
Mr P Muir Federated Farmers
Attending Councillor D L Lean Taranaki Regional Council
Mr S J Ruru Chief
H – To be completed for all activities applied for
10) Assessment against relevant objectives & policies of the relevant plan/s
10.1 A policy assessment is required by s88 and schedule 4 of the RMA.
Provide an assessment of the proposal against the relevant objectives and policies of the relevant regional
plan(s), on our website: www.trc.govt.nz/ and relevant documents including but limited to the relevant Iwi
Management Plan & National Policy Statement
(state where in the
role involves providing river and drainage advice in relation to consent and compliance
matters and requests from landowners, and assisting with works as directed by the Rivers Manager
to reduce the risks associated with flooding and erosion whilst protecting the life-supporting
capacity of Taranaki rivers and streams.
The role encompasses engagement with iwi and hapū, the local community and a wide range of
internal and external stakeholders to provide technical advice on drainage,
In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their
The information you provide with your application is official information. It is used to help process your
resource consent application and assess the impact of your activity on the environment and other people.
Your information is held and administered by the Taranaki Regional Council in accordance with the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
1998, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and
Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
26. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for
the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the
Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted Long-Term Plan and/or Annual Plan.
27. The RCAs in the region (being the three district councils and
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 6 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age
Schedule 6B – Sites of significance to Māori and associated values
This schedule identifies known sites with special cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional associations located within the CMA. The Taranaki Regional Council is committed to working
with iwi o Taranaki to identify all culturally significant sites that are located within the CMA. Site locations are
Resource Management
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
19. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the
Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making
processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-
term plan and/or annual plan.
Community considerations
20. This memorandum and the associated recommendations
likely to be
adversely affected in a minor or more than minor way. Council will determine the people who are likely to be adversely
affected and you will have the option of obtaining their written approval so that your application can be non-notified.
If the application is to take a significant amount of water (e.g. for pasture irrigation) you are strongly advised to discuss the
application with the relevant iwi and with Fish & Game NZ. Fish & Game NZ Taranaki branch can be contacted on 06
strongly advised to discuss the
application with the relevant iwi and with Fish & Game NZ. Fish & Game NZ Taranaki branch can be contacted on 06 7579676.
Please contact Council consents department for appropriate iwi contact/s.
Are there any parties
that may potentially be
affected by this
Name of affected party Iwi Forum (Mangorei Forum)
Contact details NA
Please outline any
consultation you have
undertaken with this
party and the outcome.
reporting process differ year on year? 7
Data limitations 7
CME under the Resource Management Act New Zealand 7
Regional Context 8
Working with Iwi 9
CME Operations (managing the workload) 10
Registering notifications 10
Complaints received 11
Complaints responded to & attended 11
Confirmed breaches 14
Monitoring resource consents 15
Compliance gradings 17
Compliance assessment 17
Monitoring permitted activities 22