Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.

Form A: Administration

Effects Assessment The Regional Policy Statement is clear that only tangata whenua can identify their relationship with an area. It is good practise to consult with tangata whenua about the application so that you can provide an accurate assessment of cultural effects 7.1 Please state the name of the local iwi you have consulted with  Ngaruahine  Te Ataiwa  Ngati Tama  Ngati Maru  Taranaki  Ngati Ruanui  Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi A list of iwi and hapu in

Ordinary Council Minutes February 2023

8.1 Mr A D McLay – Director Resource Management, spoke to the Memorandum to provide an update and seek the approval of the Council on the Spatial Planning Bill (SP Bill) and Natural Built Environment Bill (NBE Bill) submission. 8.2 Councillor Williamson updated Council on the input and feedback from Iwi Representatives which lead to the required changes to the Spatial Planning Bill (SP Bill) and Natural Built Environment Bill (NBE Bill) submission. Resolved That

Covid 19 response summary

.................................................................... 28 Graph 5.2: Number of people placed in emergency accommodation by CDEM ..................... 28 5.2 Iwi and community support ................................................................................................ 29 Table 5.3: Household Goods and Services Providers during COVID-19 ................................... 29 5.3 Coordination with Welfare Agencies .................................................................................. 29 5.4 RANA

Working together with Māori

Waitangi. Furthermore, schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council to set out in its long-term plan any steps it intends to take to foster the development of Māori capacity to contribute to the decision making processes over the period covered by the Plan. There are eight recognised iwi in the region, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Iwi, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Tama. It should also be noted that Ngāti Maniapoto have indicated a

Interim Version of the Proposed Coastal Plan

and protecting the natural and physical resources of the region for future generations. This vision recognises the roles and responsibilities shared by all people in Taranaki to ensure the sustainable and focused protection of air, land (soil), water and coastal environments for economic, social, cultural and recreational purposes. Guiding principles for the management of the coast The sustainable management of coastal resources has always been central to the relationship between iwi o

Form 260: Land Use Consent

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.4. Describe the actual and potential effects your feedlot activity may have on iwi cultural and spiritual beliefs, values and uses.

TRC Southern Hill Country FMU Consultation Document September 2023

reflect the variety of histories that span across the Southern Hill Country FMU and emphasise how each iwi are intrinsically connected to wai (water) through their whakapapa, culture and spirit. Some of Figure 1 The Southern Hill Country FMU sitting within the broader Taranaki region. Southern Hill Country Freshwater Management Unit Discussion Document page Page | 2 these are recorded in Statutory Acknowledgements (contained in Deeds of Settlement) and

Submission: Te Kāhui o Taranaki

Tamarongo and the hapū of Ōpunakē. Diane passed away in the last week. She was a stalwart for Iwi and hapū issues and a familiar face in local government engagement. Nō reira e te rangatira, haere, haere atū rā. Applications We refer to the Applications for Resource Consent received on 30 May 2018 and being: 1795-5.0; 1796-4.0; 1797-4.0; 5581-2.0; 4744-3.0; 4563-3.0; 5692-2.0; 10826-1.0 (“​the Applications ​”) by Ōpunakē Power

Policy & Planning agenda November 2020

Rivers 12 3. Representation Arrangements - Māori Constituency 80 4. Implementation of essential Freshwater and the visit by the Chief Freshwater Commissioner 84 5. Engagement with Iwi and Hapū 89 Closing Karakia and Karakia for kai 95 Policy and Planning Committee - Agenda 2 page Purpose of Policy and Planning Committee meeting This committee attends to all matters of resource management, biosecurity and related environment policy. …

Submission from Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust 04 March 2022

page Page | 1 22 November 2019 Craig Stevenson, Chief Executive New Plymouth District Council Private Bag 2025 New Plymouth 4340 By Email: Tēnā Koe Craig SUBMISSION BY TE KOTAHITANGA O TE ATIAWA TRUST (TKOTAT) TO THE NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL PROPOSED DISTRICT PLAN On behalf of Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust (TKOTAT), Ngā Hapū o Te Ati Awa Iwi and