Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.

Tangata Whenua

page 35 Where we live Tangata whenua There are eight recognised iwi within the boundaries of the Taranaki region. Four of these have completed Treaty of Waitangi settlements. They are Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Ruanui, and Ngaa Rauru whose settlements were all legislated in 2003, and Ngāti Mutunga whose settlement legislation was passed through Parliament in 2006. At the time of writing, Te Atiawa and Ngāruahine iwi have initialled their respective deeds of settlement

Job Description Technical Officer

Consultants • Iwi and Specialist Interest groups • Other Regional and Local Authority staff • General public Changes to job description | Ngā huringa ki ngā whakaahuatanga mahi From time to time, it may be necessary to consider changes in the job description in response to the changing nature of our work environment. Such changes, including technological requirements or statutory changes, may be initiated by the manager of this job with due consultation with the position holder.

Schedule 5B - Sites of significance to Māori and associated values

page 156 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 5 – H i s t o r i c he r i t age Schedule 5B – Sites of significance to Māori and associated values This schedule identifies known sites with special cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional associations located within the CMA. The Taranaki Regional Council is committed to working with iwi o Taranaki to identify all culturally significant sites that are located within the CMA. Site locations are

Council meeting agenda February 2020

Item 2 12 Minutes Consents and Regulatory Meeting - 4 February Item 3 17 Minutes Policy and Planning Meeting - 4 February Item 4 24 Minutes Executive, Audit and Risk - 17 February Item 5 28 March 2020 Meeting dates Item 6 29 Membership of Regional Transport Committee Item 7 31 Iwi Appointments to Standing Committees Item 8 37 Taranaki Triennial Agreement Item 9 43 Local Governance Statement Item 10 70 2020/2021 Annual Plan Estimates Item 11 79 Public Excluded …

Pest Management Plan decisions report

where toxic and ecotoxic substances must be used, that there are buffer zones of 200 metres for any waterways or Ngāruahine statutory areas. The Council notes the submitter’s concerns regarding increased use of toxins but notes that both initial and ongoing mustelid control are based upon a (non-toxic trap) network. Iwi participation 5. Amend No change required The submitter seeks that Ngāruahine iwi and hapū members participating in current and future pest control and

OIl Spill Plan annex 10: Media, Māori & community relations

initiating media releases and liaison as outlined in the National Oil Marine Contingency Plan. Iwi Liaison The intrinsic relationship that tangata whenua have with the natural environment and the role and responsibilities associated with Kaitiakitanga, are a clear indication that the iwi and hapu of Taranaki have an important role in a marine oil spill response. The coastal marine area of Taranaki contain many sites of significance for iwi and hapu as well as areas that are important for

MataurangaMaori web

2.5.2 Ngāti Mutunga Iwi Management Plan (Draft) .............................................................. 11 2.5.3 Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi- Puutaiao Management Plan .......................................................... 11 2.6 Challenges for Taranaki ......................................................................................................... 12 3 Frameworks and Monitoring tools

Executive Audit and Risk Agenda Feb 2023

the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 21. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long- term plan and/or annual plan Community considerations 22. This memorandum and the associated

Policy & Planning agenda June 2020

Mutunga Estuary Project (Curious Minds) Item 4 48 Update on Environment Court Mediation on the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki Item 5 60 Tai Whenua, Tai Tangata, Tai Ao Item 6 177 Key Native Ecosystems Programme Update Item 7 217 Regional Monitoring Programme for Inhalable Particulate: 2016-2020 Item 8 308 Update on Old Man’s Beard Control Programme - Waingongoro River Item 9 313 Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Item 10 322 Iwi Member Inductions Closing …

Ordinary meeting agenda April 2021

the above, in time for the 2022 local elections. 4. In August 2020, the Council considered the issue of Māori constituencies for the 2022 local authority elections. At that time, the Council resolved to not introduce a Māori constituency and not to undertake a representation review. However, the Council also resolved to undertake consultation and engagement with the Iwi of Taranaki ahead of the 2025 local authority elections. 5. Some of the areas addressed by the Act were contributing