.............................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Technical reports and research ...................................................................................................... 17
4.3 Consultation on a draft Coastal Plan ........................................................................................... 18
4.4 Engagement with iwi authorities ................................................................................................... 19
4.5 Schedule 1 review process for the Proposed Plan
generally. In this case they are involved because the submitters had asked
the applicants to pay them an annual fee to maintain their monitoring regime and
contribute to their Environment Plan.
25. He strongly opposed payments being made to the submitters and that neither the Act
nor the Nga Rauru Kiitahi Claims Settlement Act (between the Iwi and the Crown)
provide for such payments to be made.
26. Federated Farmers supported the conclusions of the Officer Report.
Submitter – Nga
Regulatory Minutes 6 June 2023
Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Minutes - Operations and Regulatory 6 June 2023
Date 6 June 2023, 9.00am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3177981
Present S W Hughes Chairperson
D M Cram Deputy Chairperson
M J Cloke
M G Davey
D H McIntyre
D L Lean (zoom)
N W Walker ex officio
C L Littlewood ex officio
D Luke Iwi
Littlewood ex officio
N W Walker ex officio
Members Ms E Bailey Iwi Representative
Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative
Mr M Ritai (via zoom) Iwi Representative
Attending Mr S J Ruru Chief Executive
Mr A D McLay Director - Resource Management
Ms A J Matthews Director – Environment Quality
Mr M J Nield Director – Corporate Services
Ms L Hawkins (via zoom) Planning Manager
Mr S Tamarapa Iwi Communications Officer
Mr C Wadsworth
4.1 Mr G K Bedford, Director-Environmental Quality, spoke to the memorandum advising
the Committee that the Council has completed another 5-yearly survey of regional soil
quality as per its on-going State of the Environment programme, and provided a
summary of the reported findings.
4.2 It was noted that Iwi would be circulated a copy of the report as it will provide an
important tool to assist further consultation with Iwi on the review of the Council’s
freshwater plan.
Regional Council
Taranaki TalkingTaranaki
Chairman’s chat
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Ka mihi nui ki a koutou
katoa, greetings to you all.
As a Council we have been
working hard to strengthen
our relationships with iwi
and while there is still a long
way to go, I would like to
acknowledge a significant
step forward. The Council
School Education
66 Section 7 Block VI Huiroa SD Te Apiti Maori Reserve Iwi
** Table notes
3. Trustpower owned parcels have been excluded from this table with the exception of entry #36, which has two owners - Kenneth Watchorn and Trustpower Limited.
1. The Owners column has been modified from the original data from LINZ.
b. Ratapiko School (#65) and Te Apiti Maori Reserve (#66) have been listed in the Owners column as an indication of the parcel purpose. However, these
Van Der Leden (Late)
M P Joyce ex officio
D N MacLeod ex officio
Representative Mr M Ritai Iwi Representative
Members Mr K Holswich Iwi Representative
Attending Messrs S Ruru Chief Executive
M J Nield Director – Corporate Services
G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality
A D McLay Director – Resource Management
D Harrison Director - Operations
C McLellan Consents Manager
B Pope Compliance Manager
R Phipps Science …
memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy
documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks
including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
15. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the
Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute
185 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki
Appendix XA: Statutory acknowledgements
Statutory acknowledgements
A statutory acknowledgement is a means by which the Crown has formally acknowledged the statements made by the
iwi of the particular cultural, spiritual, historical, and traditional association of the iwi with the statutory areas.
The purposes of statutory acknowledgements are—
(a) to require consent authorities, the