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Full Council meeting agenda February 2021 - Part 2

Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 23. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long- term plan and/or annual plan. Ordinary Meeting - Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 200 page

TRC Pre Election Report 2022

project to improve travel choices to all our communities and we’ll continue to champion the move to sustainable travel. page 14 14 The role of Māori and iwi We’ve embarked on a new approach in how we kōrero with tangata whenua, moving towards a partnership approach with the nine iwi o Taranaki. The freshwater reforms give tangata whenua a greater role in freshwater management by focusing on Te Mana o Te Wai (the integrated and holistic well-being of water) and requiring

Remediation hearing - submitters' expert evidence - Ngāti Mutunga (Anne-Maree McKay)

c. Ngāti Mutunga Iwi Management Plan. 7 Attachment 3 to my evidence sets out a Summary of Abatement Notices, Infringement Notices and Prosecutions for Uruti RNZ Site. 8 I was involved in developing the Ngāti Mutunga Mauri Compass Report. 9 I also made a submission as an individual on the Applications, stating: As tangata whenua, it has been heartbreaking to watch our tupuna awa Mimitangiatua deteriorate over recent generations now to such a point as she struggles to sustain us.

Schedule VII: Significant historic heritage

S chedu le 7 – S ign i f i c an t h i s t o r i c he r i t age Schedule 7B – Iwi cultural values and sites of significance This schedule identifies known sites with special cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional associations located within the CMA. The Taranaki Regional Council is committed to working with iwi o Taranaki to identify all culturally significant sites that are located within the CMA. The information included within the following tables and maps

Regional Transport agenda September 2021

Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Development of Active Modes (Walking and Cycling) 19 page Policy considerations 6. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 7.

'Intervention logic model' worksheets

programmed public awareness campaign; 2. Carrying out site led control of rooks at sites of infestation when required. 3. Planning, managing, and monitoring the eradication programme, and adapting the approach if required. Ministry of Primary Industries Fish & Game; DOC District Council's Land Occupier QEII Iwi / Hapu TRC internally Councils of Neighbouring regions Is a problem in neighbouring regions, large control

23Furtherinformation AppendixS

................................................................................................................................. 6 6. Ngāti Mutunga Iwi Environmental Management Plan .......................................................... 9 7. TRC Policies & Objectives Relating to Cultural Relationship Values ................................ 14 8. Conclusions & Recommendations............................................................................................. 15 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Iwi Environmental Management Plan page Landpro Ltd © 1 1. Introduction

Coastal Plan submissions S-Z

supportive of its direction. The Council considers that this section could be enhanced by the addition of a commitment to integrated management in the form of recognition of the role of territorial local authorities and a commitment to working together. 4.0 Page 17 Objective 1 Integrated Management In part Better define ‘Integrated Management’ to identify the involvement of partner agencies such as TLAs and Iwi and working cooperatively with them in decision making, not just

Policy & Planning agenda June 2021

Cloten Road, Stratford Document: 2760753 Members Councillors C L Littlewood Committee Chairperson N W Walker Committee Deputy Chairperson M G Davey M J McDonald via zoom D H McIntyre C S Williamson ` E D Van Der Leden M P Joyce ex officio D N MacLeod ex officio Representative Members Councillors G Boyde Stratford District Council Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative Ms L Tester Iwi Representative Attending Councillor D L Lean

Our Place: Taranaki State of Environment 2022

acknowledge the contribution of the many businesses, organisations, community groups, iwi and hapū, district councils and other agencies that have provided valuable information in compiling this State of Environment report. Our thanks to the many staff of Taranaki Regional Council who have contributed data, advice, knowledge and support. Photo credits: Rob Tucker, Alex Green, New Plymouth District Council, Weedbusters New Zealand, Angus McIntosh, Andrea Lightfoot. Cover image: Leigh