Your search for 'iwi' returned 1061 results.

Ordinary Council meeting agenda February 2018

Davey/McDonald Matters Arising Resource Consents issued under delegated authority and applications in progress It was noted to the Committee that changes to the Council’s agenda memorandum template to reflect Iwi considerations are in progress and likely to be presented to the next meeting. 2. Resource consents issued under delegated authority and applications in progress 2.1 The Committee considered and discussed the memorandum advising of consents granted, consents under

Coastal Plan Schedule 6B Ngaruahine

launched. The tauranga waka is still evident today. E4 Puketapu Tauranga waka Structure Map Link Map - 26 Ōhunuku Located on the west coast adjacent to Otakeho settlement in the South Taranaki District. This site features horticulture sites, a stream, a pathway, and an anchorage on the Ōhunuku foreshore and koiwi tangata in the cliffs. The local people of Tawhitinui Marae, Ngāti Haua and Ngāti Manuhiakai hapū of Ngāruahine Iwi continue to use the area as a whare waka and

Policy & Planning agenda July 2018

the release of a Draft Plan. Early engagement with stakeholders has generally paid dividends for this Council in reducing the time and cost of the formal plan process under the RMA and further developing relationships with stakeholders. The pre- plan consultation resulted in many changes to the proposed plan, including those made as a result of iwi consultation. The Proposed Plan was also forwarded to a wide range of key stakeholders and other interested parties, including those who had

Regional Transport agenda March 2019

Management Act 2003. Regional Transport Committee - Minutes of the Regional Transport Advisory Group 8 page Iwi considerations This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-term plan and/or annual plan. Similarly, iwi involvement in adopted work programmes has been

Solid Waste Management agenda February 2021

Minimisation Officer's Activity Report 8 page Iwi considerations 5. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long- term plan and/or annual plan. Similarly, iwi involvement in adopted work programmes has been recognised in the preparation of this memorandum. Community

Council meeting agenda April 2018

Limited, and took no part in the discussions or deliberations. 2.1 The Committee considered and discussed the memorandum advising of consents granted, consents under application and of consent processing actions since the last meeting of the Committee. 2.2 Fay Mulligan and Keith Holswich sought clarification on the Council’s consent process and iwi involvement in this. Regional plan provisions regarding the status of the activity (i.e. controlled, discretionary activity) and how

Long-Term Plan 2018/2028 Consultation Document

plans to build on recent gains in freshwater quality; to develop its education programme; and to broaden and deepen its relationship with iwi and hapū. Financially, the impact of our proposals for ratepayers is relatively minor. The Council is proposing an increase of 3.5 percent in its general rates take for 2018/2019. In the last three years, the average general rates increase has been 0.97%. Over the life of the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan the general rates increase averages out at

Taranaki Regional Council Local Governance Statement 2013-2016

between the devolved kawanatanga responsibilities of the Council and the rangatiratanga rights of iwi in Taranaki. The Code of Conduct is an expression of the Council’s commitment to take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in the exercise of its resource management functions. Under the Code of Conduct, the Council, within the limits of the legislation, endeavours to:  actively protect the manataiao and taonga of Maori by identifying and protecting in a manner appropriate

PIP AR2019

of a Proposed Freshwater and Land Plan continued, including the setting of regional targets for swimmable rivers, further work and investigations on the setting environmental flow limits alignment with National Planning Standards  establishment of the Wai Māori working group, comprising of iwi and hapū representatives, to inform and contribute to the review of the Freshwater Plan  continued development of freshwater quality accounting system. Development of the freshwater quality

Policy & Planning agenda July 2020

Chairperson M G Davey M J McDonald D H McIntyre C S Williamson E D Van Der Leden M P Joyce ex officio D N MacLeod ex officio Representative Members Councillors C Young South Taranaki District Council S Hitchcock New Plymouth District Council G Boyde Stratford District Council Messrs P Muir Federated Farmers P Moeahu Iwi Representative Ms L Tester Iwi Representative Via zoom B Bigham Iwi Representative Attending Councillor D L …