Your search for 'iwi' returned 1017 results.

LTP consultation themes & outcomes

decisions and processes Noting that there are new and emerging requirements for the Council to ensure there is an effective Māori voice in its decision-making and processes, we were keen to hear from the community on how this could ideally be achieved. Key feedback themes:  A divergence between those who believe greater Māori inclusion is healthy and desirable, and those who believe all sectors should be treated as being the same.  A clear and strong desire by iwi groups for

Candidate profile Rusty Kane

page Taranaki Regional Council New Plymouth Constituency Electing 5 Regional Councillors Rusty KANE People's Choice My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth Constituency area. I am also standing for Taranaki District Health Board. Rusty Kane. Soil Consultant BSC. Candidate for Taranaki Regional Council. If elected I will work closely with region's farmers, iwi and industry for the region's social, economic, and environmental well-being. I will work hard to ensure

Taranaki State of the Environment Report 2009

_ Oaonui Sandy Bay Society; Barry Hartley; Cam and Sarah Collier; Tom Gibson; Parininihi Ki Wait _ otara Incorporation; Ng _ ati Tama Iwi Development Trust; Merv and Rae Hooker; Bernard and Pauline Gibson; Bill Clarkson; Moturoa School; Venture Taranaki Trust; Riverlands Eltham Limited; Russell Joblin; East Taranaki Environment Trust; Lake Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust; Balance Agri-Nutrients; Peter Burgham; Taranaki Tree Trust; Tom Gibson; Trust Power; Len Pentelow; Pat

Recount 104 - March 2017

page TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL NEWSLETTER March 2017 No. 104 Regional Council Taranaki Continued Page 2 Iwi test waters Taranaki Regional Council officers are providing a number of iwi and hapū in the region with training and advice to allow them to monitor the health of waterways. The monitoring utilises a ‘Stream Health Monitoring and Assessment Kit’ (SHMAK) developed by NIWA. An initial approach for assistance came from the region’s

Recount 96 - March 2015

Council, NIWA and others. The project, Sharing the Waiwhakaiho, has woven different threads of the river’s story into multimedia presentations including website, video and artworks. A defining entity for three iwi and associated hapu, the Waiwhakaiho River is one of more than 300 waterways flowing from Mount Taranaki and one of the region’s largest rivers, with high cultural, aesthetic, recreational, ecological and economic value to the people and iwi of

Remediation Hearing Ngāti Mutunga Shenton

R NANGA 0 NG TI MUTUNGA: Sarah Ongley Barrister PO Box 8213 NEW PLYMOUTH Telephone: 0274467917 Email: page STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF CAROL ANNE SHENTON Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa Ko Taranaki te maunga Ko Tokomaru te waka . Ko Mimitanga atua te awa Ko Ngati Mutunga me Ngati Tama nga iwi Ko Te Kekerewai te hapu Ko McClutchie te whanau Ko Carol Shenton taku ingoa 1 My full name is Carol Anne

Policy & Planning agenda July 2019

in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice. Policy considerations 39. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 40. This memorandum and the

Coastal Plan submissions G-L

Archaeological discovery without an authority (Protocol) If an authority has not been obtained and there was no reasonable cause to suspect archaeological sites are present (if there is reasonable cease then an authority should be obtained), the following protocol must be followed when an archaeological site is discovered: i. immediately cease operations; ii. inform the Heritage New Zealand and the relevant iwi authorities, if koiwi are discovered also inform the New Zealand

Rawiri McClutchie - Remediation NZ submission

trade competitor for the purposes of section 308B of the Resource Management Act 1991 No The specific parts of the application this submission relates to are: My submission relates to the whole application Yes Submission details Please provide details of your submission. If your submission is in a document, you can upload the document below. I have the same concerns as the Ngati Mutunga Iwi Upload submission details here NA Outcome sought I seek the following decision from the

Report 2009-2014

13 Figure 7 Mean percentage sand cover at the survey sites 14 Figure 8 Kaimoana survey sites 16 Figure 9 Number of paua found per minute searched at the five kaimoana reef sites 17 Figure 10 Mean length of paua at the five kaimoana reef sites 17 Figure 11 Number of kina found per minute searched at the five kaimoana reef sites 18 List of photographs Photograph 1 The Pelican used for dredging at Port Taranaki 6 Photograph 2 A Council officer and Iwi representative