decision making processes.
This is part of the Council’s Mission Statement to carry
out its various responsibilities by, among other things,
taking into account the Treaty of Waitangi.
Furthermore, schedule 10 of the Local Government Act
2002 requires the Council to set out any steps that the
Council intends to take to foster the development of
Maori capacity to contribute to the decision making
processes of the Council. There are eight recognised iwi
in the
contribute to the decision making
processes of the Council. There are eight recognised iwi
in the region.
To achieve these objectives the Council intends to
undertake the following:
Act cooperatively and in good faith showing flexibility
and responsiveness and a desire to engage with Māori
for the good governance of the region. This will be
done in a manner that is inclusive and makes the best
use of the resources of both Māori
involvement in decision making processes.
This is part of the Council’s Mission Statement to carry
out its various responsibilities by, among other things,
taking into account the Treaty of Waitangi.
Furthermore, schedule 10 of the Local Government Act
2002 requires the Council to set out any steps that the
Council intends to take to foster the development of
Maori capacity to contribute to the decision making
processes of the Council. There are eight recognised iwi
responsibilities by, among other things,
taking into account the Treaty of Waitangi.
Furthermore, schedule 10 of the Local Government Act
2002 requires the Council to set out any steps that the
Council intends to take to foster the development of
Maori capacity to contribute to the decision making
processes of the Council. There are eight recognised iwi
in the region.
To achieve these objectives the Council intends to
undertake the following:
of the foreshore or seabed;
(c) deposition in, on or under the foreshore or
seabed; and
(d) discharge of sediment.
Note (1): If the activity does not come within or meet
the standards, terms and conditions in this Rule refer to
Rule 39 and 40 for network utility structures, Rule 41
and 42 for Port structures, and Rule 43 or Rule 44 for
other structures depending on the coastal management
area involved.
Note (2): Iwi authorities that have requested
privilege to work closely with Nga Iwi
o Taranaki, something I have been honoured to do since living in the region since 2003. That
said, I do not have the right to make decisions about Māori without them nor determine if
Māori should have a specific electoral ward to guarantee a Māori voice at the decision
making table.
As the Regional Council is acutely aware the matters within its governance
NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2022-2023
enables tangata whenua to maintain or re-establish connections to their Māori identity, culture,
whānau and whenua. Iwi entities also have land development opportunities through Treaty
Settlement processes, and have a focus on providing housing. This forms part of the Districts land
Developer perspective
NPDC is working proactively with developers to provide housing supply in New Plymouth. There are
concerns about land supply availability in the region and active speculation for
Appendix 2 – Statutory acknowledgements
The Statutory Acknowledgements for the seven Taranaki iwi that have settled with the Crown will be included here.
financial information included
in this memorandum has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting practice.
Policy considerations
17. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy
documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks
including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.