Your search for 'iwi' returned 1016 results.

Archaeological Scoping Study

mandate of the District Councils, so has not been included. LIMITATIONS The scoping study has been prepared as a desk-top study, and has not involved field work or site visits to record new sites or assess present condition of previously recorded sites. Additionally, iwi have not been involved in the preparation of this report. While this report discusses both Māori and non-Māori site types it does not include wāhi tapu or consider the significance of sites to Māori. It is

Report and recommendation on Urenui Beach seawall (2007)

restricted coastal activity. The application was publicly notified on 28 October 2006. The submission period closed on 24 November 2006. 8. An advertisement was placed in the Taranaki Daily News, and a sign affixed at the site. The following parties were also individually notified: • Department of Conservation • Minister of Conservation • Maritime New Zealand • Ministry of Fisheries • New Zealand Historic Places Trust page • All Iwi in the Taranaki Region,

Future directions for the management of oil and gas operations in Taranaki

their associated ecosystems of fresh water, in sustainably managing the taking, using, damming or diverting of fresh water. Objective C1 - To improve integrated management of fresh water and the use and development of land in whole catchments, including the interactions between fresh water, land, associated ecosystems and the coastal environment. Objective D1 - To provide for the involvement of iwi and hapū, and to ensure that tāngata whenua values

Agenda for hearing on representation arrangements

Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 11. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long- term plan and/or annual plan. Iwi representatives on the Council's Policy and Planning and Consents and Regulatory committees were

Executive, Audit & Risk Committee 21 June 2021 10:00 AM

practice. Policy considerations 18. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi considerations 19. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the Council’s policy for

Consent renewal application - Airport Farm Trustee Ltd

Overdue invoices will incur an interest charge of 12% per annum. Details of Council’s charging policy are in its 2015/2025 Long-Term Plan. ( In accordance with statutory requirements a copy of this application may be sent to iwi for their information. page 07/20 - #636459 Page 18 of 18 Official information Please lodge the application by signing the front page and


the coastline from Titoko ridge/Whakarewa Pā in the north to Waiau in the south. Ngāti Mutunga iwi and whānau have gathered and continue to gather food according to the values and tikanga of Ngāti Mutunga. There remain important kaitiaki links to the pātiki, kōura and tāmure breeding grounds, as well as other fish resources. Another one of the Kaitiaki responsibilities that Ngāti Mutunga traditionally fulfilled and has continued to the present day is to protect the


contact consents Administration Staff at consents@itrc. aovt. nz to determine if you are required to seek comment from any Iwi Group under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 before lodging the application. 3.2 Name and address of owner or occupier at the discharge site (if different from 2. 1 and 2.2) Written approval of landowner(s) attached (See section 9) Yes 1-1 No 1-1 3.3 Location of activity (Including: Street/road name, number, and locality) /^f-6Q /^okoi^ ^a^

Minutes (meeting and hearing)

recommendations therein. Littlewood/Joyce 5. Regionally significant surf breaks 5.1 Mrs N West, Policy Analyst, spoke to the memorandum presenting for the Committee’s consideration the findings of the online Wave Survey and the reports relating to the identification of regionally significant surf breaks. 5.2 In response to a query about the potential impact of increased surfers it was noted that additional work is underway with iwi to identify sites of cultural significance in

Quarterly Operational Report December 2019

Commentary/Highlights The number of consents processed for the quarter was 90, which is similar to last year. The Environment Court has released an interim decision on the Mt Messenger road upgrade project and consent conditions were endorsed. Appeals by iwi have been received on the mana whenua issue. The 100% consent processing time frame compliance has been maintained, meaning activities are not being delayed. Outputs/Key performance indications PERFORMANCE MEASURE ACTUAL PERFORMANCE