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are widely recognised to contain a broad range of values that contribute to the natural character, indigenous biodiversity, amenity and recreational values across the wider coastal marine area. (61) Area Commentary Sites of significance to Māori within the CMA Values associated with sites Map reference TRC Number Description Waingongoro River to Tāngāhoe River Te Rangatapu Pā is located at the


Name Location Category Number Built Lost Associated values Map reference 1 Ditch Te Puia Pā Midway between Mōhakatino and Tongaporutu Site of significance to Māori NZAA Q18/56 Pre 1900 ditch associated with Te Puia Pā Map Link Map - 2 2 Midden Rapanui Site of significance to Māori NZAA Q18/75 Pre 1900 midden Map Link Map - 3 3 Petroglyph Tongaporutu Site of significance to Māori NZAA Q18/58 Pre 1900 cave/rock shelter with

Schedule 5A - Archaeological sites of significance and historic areas

Built Lost Associated values Map reference 1 Ditch Te Puia Pā Midway between Mōhakatino and Tongaporutu Site of significance to Māori NZAA Q18/56 Pre 1900 ditch associated with Te Puia Pā Map Link Map - 2 2 Midden Rapanui Site of significance to Māori NZAA Q18/75 Pre 1900 midden Map Link Map - 3 3 Petroglyph Tongaporutu Site of significance to Māori NZAA Q18/58 Pre 1900 cave/rock shelter with inscriptions Map Link Map - 3

Waste Remediation Services WRS Ltd Symes Manawapou Landfarms Annual Report 2022-2023

monitoring GND2303 2012-2023 19 Figure 15 Sample location Lake Taumaha 19 Figure 16 Location of soil transects in relation to WRS Symes Manawapou Landfarm for 2022-2023 21 Figure 17 WRS provided map of landfarmed areas 29 List of photos Photo 1 WRS Symes Manawapou Landfarm post discharge and reinstatement pre-seeding 2014 4 Photo 2 WRS Symes Manawapou Landfarm post surrender sampling 2018 4 Photo 3 Landfarming area M2110 2021 (image provided by WRS) 5 Photo 4 Top

Taranaki tsunami inundation analysis

accompanying GIS layers developed for this report. A set of maps for the region is also included as an appendix to this report. The 2012 report provided the background to the method of analysis used for the computer modelling, and is not repeated in this report. The use of the GNS attenuation rule is described in this report. It should be stressed that the information presented in this report relating in particular to the 10 m wave results are very extreme in nature, and should not be used by


page 141 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 1 – Coas t a l m ana gem ent a reas Schedule 1 – Coastal management areas The coastal marine area has been divided into five Coastal management areas as follows. Coastal Management Area Map Reference a) Outstanding Value (i) Waihī Stream to Pariokariwa Point and Parininihi Map Link Map – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 43 (ii) Mimi Estuary Map Link Map - 7 (iii) Paritūtū, Ngā Motu (Sugar

Schedule1 - Coastal management areas

page 119 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l m ana gem ent a reas Schedule 1 – Coastal management areas The coastal marine area has been divided into five Coastal management areas as follows. Coastal Management Area Map Reference 1) Outstanding Value (i) Waihī Stream to Pariokariwa Point and Parininihi Map Link Map – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 43 (ii) Mimi Estuary Map Link Map - 7 (iii) Ngā Motu (Sugar Loaf Islands)

Schedule 1 - Coastal management areas

page 119 CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l m ana gem ent a reas Schedule 1 – Coastal management areas The coastal marine area has been divided into five Coastal management areas as follows. Coastal Management Area Map Reference 1) Outstanding Value (i) Waihī Stream to Pariokariwa Point and Parininihi Map Link Map – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 43 (ii) Mimi Estuary Map Link Map - 7 (iii) Ngā Motu (Sugar Loaf Islands)

Submission: Coastal Community Board and Coastal Councillors

reeds and flaxes have minimal impact on native bird and fish species. 4. We note that impacts on cultural values have not been assessed. We ask that this is undertaken prior to consent being granted and the applicant meets with Iwi to discuss any concerns they may have. Overall we support the consent sought by Opunake Power Ltd provided the recommendations below are taken into consideration and there are no detrimental impacts on the Waiaua awa. Thank you for the opportunity to submit on

PCP Hearing Maps34 46 web

page Pātea power station Map 34 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Pātea Estuary Pātea railway wharf Pātea town wharf Pātea training walls Waitangi shipwreck Pill box Burial site Map 35 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Map 36 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Map 37 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Map 38 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Map 39 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Map 40 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km page Map 41 ± 0 0.5 10.25 km