Your search for 'iwi map' returned 2073 results.

Resource consents 21 August-1 October 2020

3, New Plymouth 4373 Review Dates: Jun 2026, Jun 2032, Jun 2038 Activity Class: Controlled Location: 94 Ackworth Road, Lepperton Application Purpose: Replace To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Rohe: Te Atiawa (Statutory Acknowledgement) Engagement or consultation: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust Comment on application received  Generally consistent with Iwi Environmental Management Plan  Application lacks sufficient detail …

Application Appendix E Sediment Assessment 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

debris deposits is prevalent, which will be forming most of the suspended sediment load. Detailed regional soil maps do not yet exist for the Taranaki area, however the soil orders have been mapped. Most of the catchments are identified as Allophanic Soils which have a low erosion rate unless exposed or on steep slopes. The Allophanic soils mostly comprise fines and in exposed banks will likely erode into waterways as sands, silts and clays. page 7 Tonkin & Taylor

STDC Kaponga, Manaia, Patea and Waverley WWTPs Monitoring Programme 2021-2022

performance for consent 6621-1 58 List of figures Figure 1 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Kaponga WWTP 11 Figure 2 Biomonitoring sites in the Kaupokonui River in relation to the Kaponga WWTP discharge with taxa number, MCI scores and SQMCI scores for each site 15 Figure 3 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Manaia WWTP 21 Figure 4 Map showing sampling sites in relation to Patea WWTP 36 Figure 5 E. coli numbers for lower Patea River at the

Regional Transport minutes December 2020

Stratford District Council, provided a presentation updating on active modes in the Stratford District. 7.3 Mrs C Symes, South Taranaki District Council, provided a presentation updating on active modes in the South Taranaki District. 7.4 Ms C Littlewood, Taranaki Trails Trust, provided an update on activities undertaken by the Taranaki Trails Trust and a draft map was provided for discussion purposes. 7.5 It was noted that the proposed tracks and trails shown on the map are very …

Legal Submissions - NPDC

Proposed District Plan ("PDP"). Specificaily, it is zoned with a Future Urban Development Overlay in the ODP and with a Future Urban Zone (FUZ) in the PDP. 1. 3 The land immediately across the road from the Poultry Farm is zoned as Residential A in the ODP and as General Residential in the PDP For ease of reference, the planning maps from the ODP and PDP are below. ..«**"' ^ ^\ ^*TL "^ffi ' .I.SgSSE; s^sS,t\ - ^ ^ Figure 1 - ODP Planning Map page M^. p TOT'S

Appendix 6: Demolition proposal

boiler & pipework—4 weeks Baptist Church, Papakura, Crocidolite to Ceiling—4 weeks CEPI, plant room 1 week Thames school, Amosite boiler & pipework—3 weeks 2000—Consulting & Management for Opus Consultants Hamilton Boys High, Amosite boiler & pipework—2 months Whakatane High School, Amosite pipework—3 weeks Thames Hospital, Amosite Debris cleanup—3 weeks Coromandel Police station, Amosite pipework—1 week Nga Iwi Primary school, Mangere, Amosite Pipework—3 weeks Thames High School,


for Taranaki 2015/16 – 2020-21 (the RLTP); noting and receiving the outputs from the Investment Logic Mapping (ILM) process undertaken as part of the interim review; and seeking support of minor changes proposed by the interim review to the strategic policy framework in Section 4, structure for the programme of activities within Section 5 and prioritisation process to follow for any regionally significant works. Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: 1. receives the

Kids Treehouse Trail

the treehousesthem Regional Council Taranaki KIDS TREEHOUSE TRAIL F u n a c ti v it ie s fo r c h il d re n & a d u lt s Regional Council Taranaki Welcome to the Pukeiti The trail is marked by wooden marker posts that look like this. Look out for hidden facts and questions in the treehouses along the way. Use your map and the marker posts to guide you. Kids Treehouse Trail If there are no Activity bags available

Pukeiti kids trail June2018

questions Look for inside the treehousesthem Regional Council Taranaki Pukeiti EXPLORER TREEHOUSE TRAIL F u n a c ti v it ie s fo r c h il d re n & a d u lt s Regional Council Taranaki Welcome to the Pukeiti The trail is marked by wooden marker posts that look like this. Look out for hidden facts and questions in the treehouses along the way. Use your map and the marker posts to guide you. Explorer Treehouse Trail If

Pukeiti kids trail June2019

questions Look for inside the treehousesthem Regional Council Taranaki Pukeiti EXPLORER TREEHOUSE TRAIL F u n a c ti v it ie s fo r c h il d re n & a d u lt s Regional Council Taranaki Welcome to the Pukeiti The trail is marked by wooden marker posts that look like this. Look out for hidden facts and questions in the treehouses along the way. Use your map and the marker posts to guide you. Explorer Treehouse Trail If