quality preceded this survey.
2.5 Contingency plan
TAG Oil (NZ) Limited has provided a general contingency plan, as required by
Condition 4 of resource consent 9615-1 with site specific maps which cover all
onshore sites that they operate. The contingency plan has been reviewed and
approved by officers of the Council.
2.6 Investigations, interventions and incidents
The Council operates and maintains a register of all complaints or reported and
discovered excursions from
Greymouth Petroleum Kowhai B consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council
contingency plan, as required by Condition 7 of
recourse consent 9360-1 with a site specific map of the Kahili wellsite. The
contingency plan has been reviewed and approved by officers of the Council.
2.5 Investigations, interventions and incidents
The Council operates and maintains a register of all complaints or reported and
discovered excursions from acceptable limits and practices, including non-
compliance with consents, which may damage the environment. The Unauthorised
Todd McKee production station & power plant consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Lower Waiwhakaiho Catchment Annual Report 2021-2022
impacting on a statutory acknowledgement area of Ngati
Ruanui and Ngaa Rauru. In accordance with legislation the Council sent a copy of the application to both Iwi
and invited them to comment. Ngati Ruanui’s raised some questions which the council responded to, while
Ngaa Rauru did not comment.
The proposed activity is in the rohe of Ngāruahine and the Council has an agreement to send a copy of any
application in the rohe to Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust (TKONT) for their information. TKNOT had
of the monitoring programme in place for the period under review; and
• a summary of the status of these three landfill sites.
Each of the sites is then discussed in a separate section (Sections 2 to 4).
Sub-section 1 (for example Section 2.1) presents:
• a general description of the former landfill, current activities and discharges;
• an aerial photograph or map showing the location of the former landfill; and
• an outline of the matters covered by
Rat, stoat and possum control - techniques, successes, challenges - Department of Conservation
Cheal-B wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council
29 Summary of performance for consent 10063-1.0 74
Table 30 Summary of performance for consent 10547-1.0 76
Table 31 RNZ consent compliance 2018-2019 79
Table 32 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 79
List of figures
Figure 1 Regional location of the Company operations in Taranaki 4
Figure 2 RNZ Uruti site map 9
Figure 3 Surface water monitoring locations Uruti 10
Figure 4 RNZ Uruti groundwater monitoring well locations 11
Figure 5 RNZ Uruti