and so on), but
our future will involve so much more.
Our future involves harnessing our unique
advantage – our people. “Taranaki – where talent
becomes enterprise”. We are the ones who are going
to make it happen! Increasingly it is falling on us in
the regions to lead our development and create “our
place” for ourselves.
We were appointed by the Mayoral Forum as a Lead
Team to lead the preparation of a development road
map. This is it.
We might have been given the initial lead
unemployment among Māori are higher.
Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth
district (7.2% of households) and lowest in Stratford district (6.6% of
There are eight recognised iwi whose ‘rohe’ or tribal area falls either wholly or
partially within the Taranaki region. The rohe of Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine,
Taranaki Tūturu, Te Atiawa and Ngāti Mutunga are located completely within
the region. The rohe of Ngāti Tama
unemployment among Māori are higher.
Households without access to a motor vehicle is highest in New Plymouth
district (7.2% of households) and lowest in Stratford district (6.6% of
There are eight recognised iwi whose ‘rohe’ or tribal area falls either wholly or
partially within the Taranaki region. The rohe of Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine,
Taranaki Tūturu, Te Atiawa and Ngāti Mutunga are located completely within
the region. The rohe of Ngāti Tama
sedimentary rock is softer than the laharic material of the ring plain coast.
There are a number of small estuaries at the mouths of Taranaki’s larger rivers. These
estuaries are well flushed, with little diversity in the way of intertidal and subtidal habitats.
Sedimentation has a major influence on the region’s estuaries, the factors behind which
include rain fall and modified land use. The large number of rivers and the erosion of
Mount Taranaki generally bring a lot of sediment to
application falls under Rule 52 of the RAQP. Rule 52
covers “Existing poultry farming processes” whereas AFT (and Tonkin and Taylor) clearly
indicate that the Application covers a conversion of an existing operation to free range (our
emphasis added). According to the RAQP this would make the Application subject to Rule 54.
23. While making this Application subject to Rule 54 (discretionary activity)
Ordinary Council meeting agenda May 2021
Surrey Road Telemetry $5,500.00 per year
Standard hydrometric equipment $1,949.20 per year
Tangahoe hydrometric equipment $680.90 per year
Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (lower) $1,730.30 per year
Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (upper) $1,070.30 per year
Waingongoro hydrometric equipment $830.50 per year
Waitaha hydrometric equipment $8,091.60 per year
Rain Gauge Calibration $336.60 per deployment
Chlorine Meter $20.80 per use
Drone $132.00 per day
STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE: This product is a Harmful Substance.
HSNO Approval Code: HRC000006
HAZARD IDENTIFIERS: Priority Identifiers – Harmful, Ecotoxic, Keep out of
reach of children.
Secondary Identifiers - Harmful substance. Repeated
oral exposure may cause toxin to accumulate in
internal organs and may affect the clotting ability of the
Not classified Dangerous Goods as toxicity falls
through the specifics and total
investment in Taranaki for 2015-2018. A total of around $187 million will be invested in
Taranaki’s land transport network over the next three years. Three activities are excluded
from the 2015/2018 NLTP due to the timing of the projects in that they fall outside the
current programme. The 2015-2018 NLTP can be viewed online at
THAT the Taranaki Regional Council
1. receives the memorandum