Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1929 results.

February 2025 climate summary

February only had an average of 60.8mm of rainfall – 75% less than usual. This ranged from 97% less than normal at Waitōtara at Hawken Rd, and 42% less at Pohokura Saddle. Year to date rainfall is lowest at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd with 72% less rainfall than normal, Omahine at Moana Trig has had the highest year-to-date rainfall with 33% less than normal, on average there has been 57% less than normal across all rain gauges. Mean river flows for February were 42.7% lower than typical values, low

TRC Environmental Data Report April 2024

and year to date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. April Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 18 519.0 102.1 1359.0 79.3 19.6 1991 Dawson Falls 17 512.0 106.4 1213.0 79.9 20.4 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 20 485.0 120.6 1178.0 91.8 22.4 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 15

Environmental Data Report March 2024

and year to date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. March Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 15 374.5 89.7 840.0 69.7 12.1 1991 Dawson Falls 19 351.0 95.7 701.0 67.5 11.8 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 22 288.0 91.0 693.0 78.6 13.2 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 19 165.5 64.4

October 2024 climate summary

October continued this year’s trend for lower than average rainfall – but only just! There was an average of 158.2mm – that’s 1% less than usual – for the month, ranging from 26% less rain at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd, and 22% more at Waitotara at Hawken Rd. On average there has been 12% less rainfall than normal across all rain gauges, with year-to-date rainfall lowest at Waitotara at Hawken Rd with 26% less rainfall than normal while the Pohokura Saddle has had the highest year-to-date rainfall

January 2025 climate summary

Last year ended with December having 34% less rain than usual and the first month of 2025 mirrored that exactly with 34% less rainfall across the region in January. This was particularly the case in South Taranaki with the monitoring station at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd recording 59% less than usual. The district also saw the highest soil temperature with 28.1°C at Waitōtara at Rimunui Station on 22 January. Mean river flows for January were 40.1% lower than typical values, low flows were 11.6%

February 2024 Environmental Data Report

Rainfall February and year to date totals for rain gauge sites in Taranaki. February Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began North Egmont at Visitors Centre 13 221.0 56.8 465.5 59.1 6.7 1991 Dawson Falls 10 167.5 49.9 350.0 52.1 5.9 1933 Kapoaiaia at Kahui Hut 15 159.0 60.4 405.0 71.7 7.7 2006 Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill 11

June 2024 rainfall

June has continued this year’s trend for dryer weather with an average of 108.8mm of rain – 37% less than normal. On average there has been 23% less rain than normal across all rain gauges in the region with the lowest year-to-date rainfall at Waitotara at Hawken Rd with 44% less than normal. June’s figures show there was 57% less rain at Waitotara at Ngutuwera, and 7% more at Motunui M39 at Weston W3. Mean river flows were 34.4% lower than typical values, low flows were 2.8% lower, and high

May 2024 rainfall

The dryer than normal year continued last month with an average of 41% less rain than usual in Taranaki. The average rainfall total for the month was 104.5mm and there was 62% less rain at Kotare at OSullivans, and 12% less at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd. Year-to-date rainfall is lowest at Waitotara at Hawken Rd with 43% less rainfall than usual and on average there has been 19% less than normal across all rain gauges. Mean river flows for May were 40.8% lower than typical values, low flows were

What's trending at Tūpare

Summer is (allegedly) on the way, you can tell because between downpours it’s warmer than winter. On the plus side the spring rains have brought a riot of colour to Tūpare. The rhododendrons have had a spectacular start to the summer season and the hydrangeas are close behind. Hydrangeas thrive in Taranaki’s mild, damp climate and this year has been the best for a while. Personally, I think the blues have never been more vibrant. I’ve often speculated whether the low light levels associated

TRC December 2022 Rainfall Data

Map 1a. YTD total rain (mm) and percentage of long-term mean. page Table 1: Rainfall monthly and year to date totals at 27 rain gauge sites in Taranaki. page December Year to Date Rain gauge # days with rain Total rain (mm) % of typical month Total to date (mm) % of typical year to date % of typical full year Records Began N Egmont VC 15 365.0 61 8117.5 118 118 1991 Dawson Falls 16 383.0 88 8349.0 141 141 1933 Kahui