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Port Area Industrial Catchments Annual Report 2020-2021

operating procedure. Notifications to Council were expected throughout the entire process. All resource consent conditions were compliant at the time of inspection. 11 May 2021 A site inspection was carried out in overcast weather with light wind conditions. Heavy rain had been noted in days prior to the visit, and this had resulted in some ponding within the bunded areas, however there were no visible hydrocarbons present. All major works to re-line the bunds had been completed, with only

Coastal erosion information: inventory & recommendations for monitoring

(Pohokura AEE Vol 3). f. Cliff erosion Sedimentary rocks in cliffs in the ‘papa’ areas of north and south Taranaki are relatively young geologically speaking, so are soft, unconsolidated and easily eroded. Cliffs with waves lapping at the base at high tide are vulnerable to episodic erosion events with the steep faces falling away catastrophically. Compounding this process is groundwater seepage through the cliffs which intensifies after heavy rain. When the top layers are saturated, they

Methanex Motunui and Waitara Valley Combined Annual Report 2022-2023

outfall. Stormwater from the tankage area is pumped over into the process sewers which flow to the storm pond. The stormwater falling on the non-process areas of the western half of the site (Figure 1) is directed by “v” ditches running alongside the roads to a dam/pond and then out to the Tasman Sea via the Manu Stream. Stormwater falling on the eastern side of the site is directed to unnamed tributaries of the Waihi Stream via outfalls and a small sedimentation pond. The sludge lagoons

Ordinary Council meeting agenda February 2018

K Raine N W Walker C S Williamson Apologies Councillor M P Joyce Notification of Late Items Item Page Subject Item 1 4 Confirmation of Minutes Item 2 11 Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes Item 3 18 Policy and Planning Committee Minutes Item 4 24 Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes Item 5 30 Consultation Document and Supporting Documentation for the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan Item 6 102 Policy and Planning Committee - vacancy Taranaki

Inhalable particulate (PM2.5) monitoring 2016-2020

PM2.5 concentration 17 Figure 13 Comparison of the diurnal variation in PM2.5 concentration during different seasons 17 page iii Figure 14 Pearson’s correlation matrix of PM2.5 with different meteorological variables 18 Figure 15 Pollution rose for entire monitoring period 20 Figure 16 A comparison of wind roses for days falling into different PM2.5 air quality categories 20 Figure 17 Daily time series of PM2.5 for the monitoring period. 21 Figure 18 …

Freshwater abstractions permitted activity review

is less than 1 % of the allocated take through resource consents. Rain water is also collected and stored for stock and domestic use. There are 21 rural water supply schemes in the region that serve stock, domestic water and in some cases industrial use and mean farmers do not have their own intake systems. In this case the take is concentrated at one point rather than being spread through a catchment. Figures 1 and 2 show rural water supply

Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda March 2022

Pukeiti 2,814 (+207) 3,644 Hollard Gardens 2,161 (+125) 2,278 Towards Predator-Free Taranaki 1,601 (+16) 10,314 Yarrow Stadium 3,713 (0) 1,946 Enviroschools 482 (+25) 19 Top Facebook posts Reach Engaged 1 Wowzers. It won't surprise anyone to see there was A LOT of rain in February. Most of it fell over just a couple of weekends, the 5th to 7th and the 11th to 13th. Our sites recorded between 178% and 702% of normal rainfall, with an average of 354%. [Taranaki

A Pastoral Farm Operators Guide to writing a Freshwater Farm Plan Te Uru Kahika

on the LU to minimise stock induced soil damage. High risk of slips during rain events on the steeper slopes contributing sediment into waterways. Medium risk grazing animals creating sediment loss through pugging and run off. High risk Sediment contains nutrients and pathogens. Water bodies Stock exclusion Riparian management Temporary fences are installed to keep stock out of waterways when intermittent streams are flowing. Medium

Recount 105 - June 2017

year-round monitoring and compliance, even at times when it would be foolhardy to swim because of weather and/or dangerous currents and flows, imposes significant costs but with little purpose or community benefit. � Proposed broad-brush national requirements for excluding stock from waterways fall short of what is actually required to reduce faecal contamination, and risk undermining successful and proven local initiatives such as Taranaki’s award-winning riparian

Stanley Bros Trust Piggery Annual Report 2021/22

applied (mm) m3 of effluent Total 105.1 - 24,083 Method of irrigation The effluent from the piggery is pumped to storage pond prior to land application. The Company communicated that three different delivery systems were used during the 2021-2022 monitoring year: 1. Dribble bar – main method of effluent application, depths applied (~3 mm) 2. ‘Weta’ travelling rain gun – used to apply effluent to the Sand Dune block at 8mm depths during 8 months of the year. 3. Slurry tank